Treemap in Pygal

Treemap is a chart that is used for displaying echelons data using planted figures mainly rectangles. Each branch of the tree is in rectangular form and then which is macadamize with smaller rectangles to represent sub-branches. The color and the pattern are fixed in such a way in a treemap structure, that it won’t be difficult to understand the material. The second advantage of making treemap is they take less space in layout and can display thousands of items on a screen simultaneously. It can be created using Treemap() method.


treemap = pygal.Treemap()

Example 1:

# importing pygal
import pygal
import numpy
# creating the chart object
treemap = pygal.Treemap()
# naming the title
treemap.title = 'Treemap'
# Random data
treemap.add('A', numpy.random.rand(5))
treemap.add('B', numpy.random.rand(5))
treemap.add('C', numpy.random.rand(5))
treemap.add('D', numpy.random.rand(5))


Example 2:

# importing pygal
import pygal
import numpy
# creating the chart object
treemap = pygal.Treemap()
# naming the title
treemap.title = 'Treemap'        
# Random data
treemap.add('A', [26, 22, 39, 39, 32, 30, 33, 24, 24, 30])
treemap.add('B', [31, 40, None, None, None, None, 40, 32, 25, 31])
treemap.add('C', [37, 27, 31, 20, None, 32, 24, 39, 29, 22])
treemap.add('D', [38, None, 20, 29, 33, 23, 32, 33, 32, 23])


Treemap in Pygal

Pygal is a Python module that is mainly used to build SVG (Scalar Vector Graphics) graphs and charts. SVG is a vector-based graphics in the XML format that can be edited in any editor. Pygal can create graphs with minimal lines of code that can be easy to understand and write.

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Treemap in Pygal

Treemap is a chart that is used for displaying echelons data using planted figures mainly rectangles. Each branch of the tree is in rectangular form and then which is macadamize with smaller rectangles to represent sub-branches. The color and the pattern are fixed in such a way in a treemap structure, that it won’t be difficult to understand the material. The second advantage of making treemap is they take less space in layout and can display thousands of items on a screen simultaneously. It can be created using Treemap() method....