Tripartite Struggle History

Regarding Kannauj, Vatsaraja, the ruler of Pratihara, had high ambitions. Similarly, Kannauj was the desire of Dharmapala, the Pala king. Consequently, a struggle arose between these two kings. In a battle at Gangetic Doab, Vatsaraja vanquished Dharmapala. Simultaneously, the Rashtrakuta ruler Dhruva vanquished Vatsaraja. Moreover, Dhruva vanquished Dharmapala. Ultimately, this intense animosity resulted in a tripartite conflict between the Palas, Rashtrakutas, and Pratiharas.

Tripartite Struggle

Tripartite Struggle: In the eighth century, three powerful Indian empires fought with one another for dominance and control over the central Gangetic valley, a conflict known as the Tripartite Conflict. The Rastrakutas, the Palas, and the Pratiharas were these three empires. The Avanti-Jalaor region of western India is where the Pratiharas made their home. They were primarily from the Deccan region.

In this article, we will look into the meaning, history, causes, phase I, phase II, and consequences of the Tripartite Struggle. Let’s start.

Tripartite Struggle

Table of Content

  • What was the Tripartite Struggle?
  • Tripartite Struggle History
  • Tripartite Struggle Main Reason
  • Causes of Tripartite Struggle
  • Tripartite Struggle – Phase I
  • Tripartite Struggle – Phase II
  • Consequences of the Tripartite Struggle

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Tripartite Struggle History

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Tripartite Struggle – Phase I

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Conclusion on Tripartite Struggle

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FAQs on Tripartite Struggle

What is meant by tripartite struggle?...