
Cascading replica: Instead of creating multiple replicas from the primary instance, read replicas can be sourced from Disaster recovery read replicas. In this way, the read replica for our read-only applications was already configured as a Cascading Replica of the DR read replica (newly promoted primary instance), it is already utilizing that instance as a source for replication. So, to sum up, no need to create other downstream replicas in case of regional failure since they are not sourced from a Primary instance but a DR read replica. The updated architecture diagram shows that the read replica in us-central1-f is sourcing data from the DR (Disaster Recovery) read replica rather than the primary instance in us-central1. In case of a regional failover in this architecture, the read-replica is not impacted, thereby continuing the replication from the DR replica (newly promoted Primary instance)

How to Use Cloud SQL For MySQL with Automatic Failover on GCP?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a Cloud Service Provider that offers different service models like Iaas(Infrastructure as a service), Paas(Platform as a service), and Saas(Software as a service). Cloud SQL is a relational Database service offered by Google. Users can run MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL databases on GCP without having the headache of managing the infrastructure. In other words, Cloud SQL is fully managed by Google. Go through GCP account/project creation and Identity and Access Management before moving to this article to have a GCP account and relevant permission in place.

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Cascading replica: Instead of creating multiple replicas from the primary instance, read replicas can be sourced from Disaster recovery read replicas. In this way, the read replica for our read-only applications was already configured as a Cascading Replica of the DR read replica (newly promoted primary instance), it is already utilizing that instance as a source for replication. So, to sum up, no need to create other downstream replicas in case of regional failure since they are not sourced from a Primary instance but a DR read replica. The updated architecture diagram shows that the read replica in us-central1-f is sourcing data from the DR (Disaster Recovery) read replica rather than the primary instance in us-central1. In case of a regional failover in this architecture, the read-replica is not impacted, thereby continuing the replication from the DR replica (newly promoted Primary instance)...

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Cloud SQL provides native Highly available architecture within a single region. In case of zonal failure, Cloud SQL will automatically manage the failover by making the secondary zone instance to be primary without switching the IP. However, In case of a regional failover, read replicas are to be created in a different zone than the primary instance. Read replicas are promoted as primary HA in case of region failure. Cascading replicas are required since multiple read replicas being sourced from primary instances incorporate a dependency on the primary instance, if the primary instance goes down, these read replicas have to be deleted and re-created. In this scenario, the application fetching data from these read-replica will have to suffer some downtime, since new read-replica creation and endpoint update might take some time. To resolve this, Cascading read replicas can be created, A Cascading read-replica is a read-replica sourcing from another read-replica. The DR read replica can act as a source for other read replicas being created. This way, in case of a regional failure, no application will suffer a downtime since all the read replicas will be sourced from DR read replicas (which will be promoted to the Primary instance in case of regional failover). It’s highly recommended to incorporate these features in your architecture for a Highly available, fault-tolerant architecture that allows automatic failover, reducing downtime for the architecture implemented in GCP....

FAQs On Cloud SQL for MySQL with automatic failover on GCP

1. What Is Cloud SQL With Automatic Failover?...