Tyndall Effect: The Optical Properties of Colloidal Solutions

Colloids show a phenomenon known as the Tyndall effect, which John Tyndall identified in 1869. When we shine a bright converging beam of light through a dark colloidal solution, the path of the beam is lit and we can see the path. This is due to the scattering of light by the Colloidal particles, and this is referred to as the Tyndall effect, and the lighted route is called the Tyndall cone.



Colloids or Colloidal Solution is a type of mixture in which insoluble components are suspended on a microscopic scale in some another component. Colloids are essential components in the daily lives of the common man, as we use or consume colloids and we even don’t know. From Jellys to Mayonese to the majority of beauty products, are some forms of colloids. Thus, understanding colloids will help us understand these things we use on a daily basis but don’t know about. In this article, we will learn about colloids in detail including their classification, properties, preparation method, and applications.

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