Types of Astrocyte

Astrocytes have various types which are given below:

Protoplasmic Astrocytes

  • These are the most common types of astrocytes that are found in the gray matter of the brain and the spinal cord.
  • They have a complex structure with a high a high-branched process.
  • It is associated with the neurons and synapses.
  • Protoplasmic Astrocytes play a major role in regulating the extracurricular environment, provide metabolic support to the neurons, and modulate synaptic transmission as well.

Fibrous Astrocytes

  • Fibrous Astrocytes are found in the white matter of the central nervous system that provides support to the axons.
  • They have a long and different unbranched process that couples with the axon bundles.
  • These Fibrous Astrocytes also contribute to the astrocytic population in a mature brain.

Radial Glia

  • Radial Glia merges the neurons and guides their movements in the early brain development process.
  • They put the early-age neurons in their proper locations. As the development progresses, the number of Radial Glia decreases.
  • Some Radial Glia differentiates in the astrocytes to contribute to the astrocytic population in a mature brain.

Bergmann Glia

  • These are the specialized astrocytes that are found in the cerebellum or to be more specific in the molecular layer.
  • Bergmann Glias extends in the Purkinje cell layer and provides structural support by regulating the synaptic transmission.


  • These are the specialized astrocytes found in the walls of the third ventricle and also present in the hypothalamus.
  • They take part in energy metabolism, and different types of hormone transport, and also contribute to creating blood-brain barrier as well.

Perivascular Astrocytes

  • These types of astrocytes are located in the blood vessels and contribute to the formation of the blood-brain barrier.
  • It helps to regulate the exchange process of the different substances between the bloodstream and brain parenchyma as well.

Reactive Astrocytes

  • These Reactive Astrocytes become reactive in the time of different injuries, infections, and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • These astrocytes change their formation and function as per the situation and increase the proliferation.
  • They alter the gene expression pattern and help to respond to CNS in the time of injury


Astrocytes are a type of glial cell that makes up the major cells of the human central nervous system (CNS). Astrocyte cells can be found in both gray, and white matter of the brain, spinal cord, and neurons. Understanding the Astrocyte structure and function helps in understanding their role in supporting neuronal health and communication within the brain. In this article, we will cover astrocytes in detail.

Table of Content

  • Astrocyte
  • Structure of Astrocyte
    • Cell Body of Astrocyte
    • Astrocyte Endfeet
    • Intermediate Filaments and Gap Function
  • Diagram of Astrocyte
  • Location of the Astrocyte
  • Types of Astrocyte
  • Functions of Astrocyte
  • Astrocytes vs Oligodendrocytes
  • Schwann Cell and Astrocyte

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Astrocytes are star-shaped cells found in the brain and spinal cord that play crucial roles in supporting and nourishing neurons. They help regulate the chemical environment of the brain, maintain the blood-brain barrier, and provide structural support to neurons. Astrocytes also contribute to processes like synaptic transmission and repair of brain injuries....

Structure of Astrocyte

The Astrocyte cell consist of a cell body or soma, six or more branches, a thick blood vessel that associates the end-foot, finer branchlets, and leaflets that maintain contact with the synapse in a continuous manner. The different parts of an astrocyte are:...

Diagram of Astrocyte

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Location of the Astrocyte

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Types of Astrocyte

Astrocytes have various types which are given below:...

Functions of Astrocyte

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Astrocytes vs Oligodendrocytes

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Schwann Cell and Astrocyte

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Conclusion – Astrocyte

Astrocytes or astroglia are the star-shaped glial cells that are present in our spinal cord and brain. Astrocytes are majorly found in the central nervous system or CNS including both the brain and spinal cord. In CNS, astrocytes are found in a distributed manner in different regions and layers as well. The astrocytes contribute to the maintenance of neuron health, synaptic functions, and the brain homeostasis process....

FAQs – Astrocyte

What is the Function of An Astrocyte?...