Types of Blood Group System

There are mainly two types of blood group systems. Combining both will make the complete characteristic of any blood type. These types of blood depend upon the Antigen available on the RBCs. They are:

  1. ABO Group System
  2. Rh Group System

ABO Group System

The ABO blood group system divides the blood into four types. They are A, B, AB & O types of blood. In A type of blood, there are Antigen A is present. For blood B there are B antigens present. For AB blood there are both A & B types of antigen are present. And for O type of blood there no antigens are present. Now, there is another protein structure which is known as the Antibody. This Antibody is present in the serum of the blood. They are not situated on the surface of RBCs.

Rh Group System

This is the 2nd most significant blood group system. This type of system was first discovered in the 1940s in Rhesus Monkey. There is mainly one Antigen that determines the type of the blood group. The antigen is known as the D antigen. Though there are many other antigens present in the Rh system. But the D antigen plays a major role here. Rh stands for the “Rhesus”.

Rh Blood Group System

Blood is the main component of our cardiac system. It is the main body fluid that helps to circulate the necessary substances throughout the body. It delivers the nutrients, oxygen & other necessary components to every cell of the body. Now, blood comprises blood cells. There are Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, etc. White Blood Cells are responsible for the immune system of the body. Whereas,  Red Blood Cells are responsible for the types of blood groups. These blood groups help us to identify human blood in a very efficient way. Also, these blood groups help us to aware before any blood transplant. So, it is very important to know the blood group systems. These blood groups are divided by the presence of antigens. Antigens are those proteins that are situated above the RBCs. The presence of a particular antigen establishes a particular type of blood.

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