Types Of Cell-to-Cell Interaction

There are mainly two types of cell-to-cell interaction present. it depends upon the strength of the bond between two cell linings. Depending upon the nature of the cells & function of the cells, these differences can be drawn.

  • Stable Interaction: This is a type of cell-to-cell interaction. In this type, any cell lining doesn’t have to power to break it up. This means, there is no way that a cell can able to break up & moves to any other place. So, they are always in stable condition.
  • Temporary Interaction: In this type of interaction, the bridges or junctions are not permanent. This means, with time, if there is a need then any cell lining can able to break the bridge & move away. They are not stable & permanently stay in the same position. Its stability depends upon the cell’s functions.

Stable Cell-to-Cell Interaction


The stable interactions have some different junctions. They are different types of bridges present between the cells. This type of junction is present in the Epithelial cells. or these junctions are present in normal growth cells or tissues. In those places, there is no need to break the interaction & move on. So, those bridges remain the same at that place.

Tight Junction

As the name suggests, the Tight Junction is the junction that completely seals out the gap between two cells. This junction is present between two cells. In between the membrane of the two cells, these junction lies. This junction is completely impermeable of the water- & water-soluble substances. This means the water can’t able to pass out with this junction. So, the extracellular fluid can’t able to insert the cells. mainly the tissues, that have a large number of cells, have a tight junction. This is a complete layer inside the cells. These junctions are completely made up of proteins. This can be able to insert some substance in the cell wherever there will be some proper commands.

Adherens Junction & Desmosome

These are the junctions that are present below the Tight Junction. Their task is to provide support to the cell while attaching to the branch of the cells. Not only that, this junction helps to provide extra support to the cell. It helps to provide the shape of the cell. They are present in the lateral membrane of the cells. They are also present in the Epithelial Cells.

Desmosomes also help to maintain the shape & figure of the cell. It also helps to provide support to the cells. these junctions are present below the Adherens Junction. Desmosomes have an extracellular side in them. So, it can interact with the extracellular parts. Adherens Junction & Desmosome are collectively called the Anchoring Junction. All these junctions are made with the proteins & with ions at some places.

Gap Junction

This is another type of junction. As the name suggests, there are small gaps in these junctions. These gaps are essential for the cells. These gaps are used as pores to transfer or exchange elements between two cells. These junctions are present at the bottom of all junctions. So, this junction is being used as the last entry point of the substances. There are lots of pores in these junctions. With these pores’ ions, sugar, and small substances can be exchanged between two cells in the tissue. This is a very important communication between the cells.

Temporary Cell-To-Cell Interaction

In the temporary interaction, there is no junction created. There is a kind of bond created between the cells. this bond is not much lasting because, at any point in time, these bonds get degraded. Then the cells get distributed. Due to the function & operations of the cells, these types of temporary interactions can be witnessed.

Interaction In The Immune System

The T-Lymphocytes cells are responsible for the immune system in the boy. Whenever there is any foreign element in the body, these cells move to that region in the human body. There they start doing operations on foreign elements. Primarily, these cells are situated in the epithelial cells of the inner layer of the blood vessels. Whenever there is a threat from a foreign element, the lymphocyte cells break interaction & move to that spot. This means the interaction with the lymphocyte cell & the epithelium cell of the inner layer of the blood vessel will be destroyed. So, the cells can able to move to the spot & perform operations there. So, this interaction is temporary.

Interaction In Coagulation

During blood coagulation, this type of temporary interaction can be witnessed. This means when blood vessels come across the outer environment, means there is damage to the skin layer. So, the platelet starts acting over there. Platelets first started to make a blood clot there. This is done with the help of fibrin. During this clot, there is a temporary interaction created. When the blood vessel layer restores itself, the interaction gets destroyed with time. So, the blood clot loses the ability to stick over that spot. And with time that removes from that area. So, all these things depend upon cell-to-cell interaction.

Cell-Cell Interaction

Cells are the most important part of the human body. Even the brain is not superior to the cells. Brains can’t able to develop simply. The brain itself is the combination of millions of cells. So, there are the cells that are the main key in the body. In the cells, there is a need to have communication between the cells. Also, there is a need to have a bridge between two adjacent cells. These bridges are known as junctions. And the process is known as Cell Interaction.

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