Types of Control System

There are two types of control systems:

  1. Open-loop control system.
  2. Closed-loop control system.

1. Open-Loop Control System

In this type of control system, the system responds without considering what the output is and doesn’t continuously monitor the system’s behavior. They are used in the systems where the output is already known and predictable so that there were no errors in the system in the future. The controller in the system sends commands to the plant without receiving feedback about the actual output and thus do not consider what is the output. They do not have complex design like closed-loop systems. Open-Loop Control System are used in applications where there is no feedback and error handling are required because they do not have feedback sensors and controllers to control the system and since there are no feedback to control the system, it often makes mistakes under changing conditions. They are used in system like electric bulb, micro-ovens, traffic signals and etc.

Open Loop Control System

2. Closed Loop Control System

In this type of system, the output is monitored continuously and can be adjusted whenever there is a need of it. The feedback mechanism helps to adapt to varying conditions and maintain the system in a stable state. They are used in voltage stabilizer, thermostat heater and etc. They have a very complex design as compared to open-loop control system.

Closed Loop Control System

Components of Control Systems

With the advancement of technology, Human dependency on control system have increased over years and are being used everywhere, playing significant role in our daily lives. Contributing to different applications, they made the work easier by reducing human effort and involvement. They are used to control the behavior of devices and systems to accomplish the desired task. Control system consist of different components which play significant role and work together to produce the desired output. Some of the major components of control system are controller, sensors and actuators. Sensors are used to convert physical changes into electrical signals. Controllers are used to adjust the functions in control system to get the desired result. In this article we will see the components of control system which made a complete control system and how they work simultaneously to produce output.

Table of Content

  • Control System
  • Types
  • Components
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • FAQs

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Advantages of Control System

They are fast and error free : Control system have very fast response to the input, and they work faster than humans. They reduce the time and human effort in doing the same work. Control system make very minimal error while giving output, which makes it perfect in the jobs where there is a high risk of mistakes and errors. They subsequently reduce the error which humans can make easily because they are designed in such a way that they can operate with precision, leading to error free performance. Integration with other complex system : It integrate its function with other systems for better performance. This integration with other systems increases the capability of system and coordination provides perfection and productivity inside the system. Optimization : We can optimize the complex process into smaller different process and find the best operation to achieve the goal. It can be monitored and remotely controlled which is important aspect of control system and ensures error free performance, especially in task which are prone to high risk and mistakes....

Disadvantage of Control System

Maintenance : Control systems require Maintenance on the regular basis to work properly. The maintenance also increases the cost factor which is a big disadvantage of a control system. Components like sensors and actuators are calibrated so that the efficiency of control system is maintained. Also to increase the life cycle of system they are updated and replaced with new technologies. Complexity : The designing of control system is difficult to understand and not everyone who is a beginner can figure out the functioning of very component in the system. Since the control system is composed of many different types of components, it is very challenging to control and implement task in it. Environmental Factor : The accumulation of waste due to its defected parts has serious environmental concerns. Therefore, proper disposal is necessary and recycling parts can be done to decrease environmental impact....

FAQs on Components of Control Systems

What is the role of feedback loop in control systems?...