Types of Digital Footprints

Active Digital Footprint

The Digital footprint comprises data generated by the users in the digital space. In other words, it reflects what you show on Internet websites or applications. Such exploring means interacting on social media or browsing web pages implying one’s impact on the online world which is called “digital footprint“.

Examples include

  • Social media interactions: Sharing, clicking, liking, giving ratings, and re-posting content on channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin.
  • Online communication: Sending emails, instant messages, WhatsApp, and joining in online discussions or chat rooms.
  • Online content creation: Engaging in blog writing, video making, podcast production, or general distribution of digital media content.
  • Online transactions: Ordering products, and tickets and participating in commerce of any kind online.
  • Subscription and account creation: Signing up for online services like newsletters, requesting an account with personal details, and others as well.

Passive Digital Footprint

A supplementary term digital footprint has a multitude of meanings such as data accumulated online even if someone isn’t the one actively providing it. This type of footprint is usually generated automatically by services and websites on their platforms when a person is using the internet.

Examples include

  • Browsing history: The weblog, which includes the list of websites you’ve accessed.
  • Cookies and tracking: Cookie and other tracking technologies realize what you like and dislike and track your desire for information.
  • Location data: An individual’s mobile device and application may be capable of tracking a user’s location, this is especially the case if the location services are enabled.
  • Metadata: The IP address(es), device type(s), operating system(s), and other technical information that is collected during online interactions.
  • Search history: Such records can include search queries made by users on search engines such as Google or Bing.

What is a Digital Footprint?

A Digital Footprint is the specific, data that a person leaves behind as she uses the internet and digital devices. This data can encode anything from websites to email, social network purchases online, and even five times and dates for internet use. In this article, we will cover types of digital footprints, why they matter, and how to check your digital footprints with some conclusions and FAQs. It is essentially a record of a person’s online activities, and it can be both active and passive:

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In conclusion, a digital footprint is the model of data that you leave on the internet if you connect with its topic, people, and digital devices. It includes both the active category of data that you share deliberately, such as social media posts and online purchases engagements, and, the passive category of data that is collected through different means, including information in the background, such as your browsing history, and metadata....

Frequently Asked Questions on Digital Footprint – FAQs

Can I completely erase my digital footprint?...