Types of Disability

These are the following types of disability:

Types of Disability


Visual Disability

  • It includes complete blindness color blindness or poor eyesight.
  • It also includes some visual problems like visual strobe and intermittently flashes problems.
  • Hence it is tested whether the brightness and contrast of the software layout are adjustable or not.

Physical Disability

  • It includes difficulty in using a keyboard or mouse.
  • It also includes slow and lazy body-like hand movements and muscle slowness.
  • Hence software is tested for the convenience of lazy persons.

Hearing Disability

  • It includes auditory problems like deafness and hearing impairments.
  • It also focuses on the difficulty of hearing well or hearing clearly.
  • Hence software is tested whether a person with less hearing ability can use it properly or not.

Cognitive Disability

  • It includes learning difficulties, poor memory, and problems in understanding complex scenarios.
  • Hence to make the software reliable it is tested whether it can be used by a person with poor memory.

Learning Disability

  • It includes reading problems and problems in which a person finds words difficult.
  • So the software is tested whether the language is compatible with reading and words used are easy to understand.

Accessibility Testing – Software Testing

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What is Accessibility Testing?

is one of the Software Testing, in which the process of testing the degree of ease of use of a software application for individuals with certain disabilities. It is performed to ensure that any new component can easily be accessible by physically disabled individuals despite any respective handicaps. Accessibility testing is part of the system testing process and is somehow similar to usability testing. In the accessibility testing process, the tester uses the system or component as it would be used by individuals with disabilities. Individuals can have disabilities like visual disability, hearing disability, learning disability, or non-functional organs. Accessibility testing is a subset of Usability testing where the users under consideration are specific people with disabilities....

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In these software Engineering the Accessibility testing help to the Disabled Persons and the normal Peoples also. If Due to complexity of Accessibility testing guideline for the web-application for avoiding these we try to develop the normal web-application or the website for the normal user and other for disabled persons....