Types of Electric Current

There are two types of electric current, that are,

  • Alternating Current
  • Direct Current

Electric Current

Electric current is the type of energy that is responsible for the working of modern-day society. We define electric current as the flow of electric charge. Electric current is used to power our everyday life, we use mobiles, computers, ACs, TVs, Fridges, etc in our daily life all these are powered by electric current. Electric current is the flow of the electron in the circuit that allow the electric energy to flow which changes into a different form of energy accordingly.

In this article, we will learn about Electric Current, its unit, properties of electric current, Ohm’s law, the effect of electric current, etc, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Electric Current?
  • Electric Current Formula
  • What Is Electromotive Force or EMF?
  • Types of Electric Current 
  • Conventional Current flow Vs Electron Flow
  • Properties of Electric Current
  • Ohm’s Law
  • Effects of Electric Current
  • Solved Examples of Electric Current

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Types of Electric Current

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Alternating Current

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Direct Current

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Conventional Current Flow Vs Electron Flow

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Properties of Electric Current

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Ohm’s Law

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Effects of Electric Current

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Solved Examples of Electric Current

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