Types of Embryo Sac

The Embryo Sac type is basically the numbers of cell in the Embryo Sac of female flower. There two types of Embryo Sac including

Monosporic Embryo Sac

  • It has four megaspores.
  • After mitotic division megaspores form seven cells and eight nuclei Embryo Sac.
  • Every mature monosporic Embryo Sac have egg apparatus, central cell and antipodal cells

Bisporic Embryo Sac

  • It also has four megaspores.
  • In bisporic Embryo Sac each two megaspores goes into mitosis division and forms a different structure known as synergistic Embryo Sac and vegetative Embryo Sac.
  • Synergistic Embryo Sac take part in fertilization and have egg apparatus and central cell.
  • While vegetative Embryo Sac does not take part in fertilization.

Embryo Sac

Embryo Sac is a type of structure that is found in an ovule of a female flowering plant. An ovule is the part of the female flowering plant reproductive organ known as the pistil or carpel, and that ovule is present in the ovary of the female flower. Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis is a process through which Embryo Sac forms inside the ovule. Embryo Sac is known to be important for the reproduction of female flowers. The function of an Embryo Sac is to do fertilization when male pollen approaches the female ovule and forms a pollen tube that initiates male sperm cells to reach an Embryo Sac.

Table of Content

  • Definition of Embryo Sac
  • What is an Embryo Sac?
  • Structure of an Embryo Sac
  • Types of Embryo Sac
  • Formation of an Embryo Sac
  • Fertilization within the Embryo Sac
  • Function of an Embryo Sac

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FAQs- Embryo Sac

1. What is the Meaning of Embryonic Sac?...