Types of explode() in PySpark

There are three ways to explode an array column:

  • explode_outer()
  • posexplode()
  • posexplode_outer()

Let’s understand each of them with an example. For this, we will create a Dataframe that contains some null arrays also and will split the array column into rows using different types of explode.


# creating the row data and giving array 
# values for dataframe along with null values
data = [('Jaya', '20', ['SQL', 'Data Science']),
        ('Milan', '21', ['ML', 'AI']),
        ('Rohit', '19', None),
        ('Maria', '20', ['DBMS', 'Networking']),
        ('Jay', '22', None)]
# column names for dataframe
columns = ['Name', 'Age', 'Courses_enrolled']
# creating dataframe with createDataFrame()
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)
# printing dataframe schema
# show dataframe



explode_outer() in PySpark 

The explode_outer function splits the array column into a row for each element of the array element whether it contains a null value or not. Whereas the simple explode() ignores the null value present in the column.


# now using select function applying
# explode_outer on array column
df4 = df.select(df.Name, explode_outer(df.Courses_enrolled))
# printing the schema of the df4
# show df2



As we have defined above that explode_outer() doesn’t ignore the null values of the array column. Clearly, we can see that the null values are also displayed as rows of Dataframe.

posexplode() in PySpark 

The posexplode() splits the array column into rows for each element in the array and also provides the position of the elements in the array.  It creates two columns “pos’ to carry the position of the array element and the ‘col’ to carry the particular array elements and ignores null values. Now, we will apply posexplode() on the array column ‘Courses_enrolled’.


# using select function applying 
# explode on array column
df2 = df.select(df.Name, posexplode(df.Courses_enrolled))
# printing the schema of the df2
# show df2



As the posexplode() splits the arrays into rows and also provides the position of array elements and in this output, we have got the positions of array elements in the ‘pos’ column. And it ignored null values present in the array column.

posexplode_outer() in PySpark 

The posexplode_outer() splits the array column into rows for each element in the array and also provides the position of the elements in the array.  It creates two columns “pos’ to carry the position of the array element and the ‘col’ to carry the particular array elements whether it contains a null value also. That means posexplode_outer() has the functionality of both the explode_outer() and posexplode() functions. Let’s see this in an example.

Now, we will apply posexplode_outer() on the array column ‘Courses_enrolled’.


# using select function applying 
# explode on array column
df2 = df.select(df.Name, posexplode_outer(df.Courses_enrolled))
# printing the schema of the df2
# show df2



As, posexplode_outer() provides functionalities of both the explode functions explode_outer() and posexplode(). In the output, clearly, we can see that we have got the rows and position values of all array elements including null values also in the ‘pos’ and ‘col’ columns.

Split multiple array columns into rows in Pyspark

Suppose we have a Pyspark DataFrame that contains columns having different types of values like string, integer, etc., and sometimes the column data is in array format also. Working with the array is sometimes difficult and to remove the difficulty we wanted to split those array data into rows. 

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Types of explode() in PySpark
