Types of Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance Requirements:
    • Response Time: Specifies the maximum time the system should take to respond to user requests.
    • Throughput: Defines the number of transactions or operations the system should handle within a specific timeframe.
    • Scalability: Specifies the system’s ability to handle increased load by adding resources without significant performance degradation.
    • Concurrency: Specifies the number of users or processes the system can support simultaneously.
  2. Reliability and Availability Requirements:
    • Reliability: Specifies the system’s ability to perform its functions consistently and predictably over time without failure.
    • Availability: Defines the percentage of time the system should be operational and accessible to users.
    • Fault Tolerance: Specifies the system’s ability to continue operating in the event of hardware or software failures.
  3. Security Requirements:
    • Authentication: Specifies how users are verified and authenticated when accessing the system.
    • Authorization: Defines the access rights and permissions granted to users based on their roles and privileges.
    • Auditing and Logging: Specifies the system’s ability to track and record user activities, changes, and security events for auditing and compliance purposes.
  4. Usability Requirements:
    • Ease of Use: Specifies the system’s intuitiveness, simplicity, and user-friendliness.
    • Accessibility: Defines the system’s ability to be used by people with disabilities and conform to accessibility standards.
    • User Interface Design: Specifies the visual layout, navigation, and interaction design of the system’s user interface.
  5. Compatibility Requirements:
    • Interoperability: Specifies the system’s ability to communicate and exchange data with other systems or components.
    • Platform Compatibility: Defines the platforms, operating systems, browsers, or devices the system should be compatible with.

What are Non-Functional Requirements in System Design? | Examples, Definition

The Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are the criteria that describe aspects of a system’s operation that are not directly related to its specific behaviors or features. Unlike functional requirements, which specify what the system should do, non-functional requirements define how the system should perform, its quality attributes, constraints, and other characteristics that affect its overall operation and usability. Non-functional requirements are essential for ensuring that the system meets performance, security, usability, and other quality standards.

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Types of Non-Functional Requirements

Performance Requirements: Response Time: Specifies the maximum time the system should take to respond to user requests. Throughput: Defines the number of transactions or operations the system should handle within a specific timeframe. Scalability: Specifies the system’s ability to handle increased load by adding resources without significant performance degradation. Concurrency: Specifies the number of users or processes the system can support simultaneously. Reliability and Availability Requirements: Reliability: Specifies the system’s ability to perform its functions consistently and predictably over time without failure. Availability: Defines the percentage of time the system should be operational and accessible to users. Fault Tolerance: Specifies the system’s ability to continue operating in the event of hardware or software failures. Security Requirements: Authentication: Specifies how users are verified and authenticated when accessing the system. Authorization: Defines the access rights and permissions granted to users based on their roles and privileges. Auditing and Logging: Specifies the system’s ability to track and record user activities, changes, and security events for auditing and compliance purposes. Usability Requirements: Ease of Use: Specifies the system’s intuitiveness, simplicity, and user-friendliness. Accessibility: Defines the system’s ability to be used by people with disabilities and conform to accessibility standards. User Interface Design: Specifies the visual layout, navigation, and interaction design of the system’s user interface. Compatibility Requirements: Interoperability: Specifies the system’s ability to communicate and exchange data with other systems or components. Platform Compatibility: Defines the platforms, operating systems, browsers, or devices the system should be compatible with....

Non-Functional Requirements Example

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