Types of Nouns

The following are the different types of noun:

     1. Proper Noun
     2. Common Noun
     3. Collective Noun
     4. Material Noun
     5. Abstract Noun
     6. Singular Noun
     7. Plural Noun
     8. Compound Noun
     9. Countable Noun
    10. Uncountable Noun
    11. Concrete Noun

Let us discuss each of the types of Nouns in detail with examples:

What is a Noun? Types, Definitions and Examples (List)

In simple terms, a noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are one of the basic building blocks of language, and they help us identify and refer to the people, objects, and concepts in our everyday communication. Examples of nouns include “dog” (a thing), “teacher” (a person), “Paris” (a place), and “happiness” (an idea).

A Noun is the name of a Place, Person, thing, or idea. It comes under Parts of Speech, which we have studied in the syllabus of English Grammar.

In this article, We have covered Everything you need to know about Nouns, Their types, Examples and more.

Let’s get a closer look at this.


we can also say Nouns or a word that is the name of something (as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action) and that is typically used in a sentence as the subject or object of a verb or as an object of a preposition. Some Examples of Noun include: Some Examples of Noun include:

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1. Proper Noun

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2. Common Noun

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3. Collective Noun

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4. Material Noun

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5. Abstract Noun

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6. Singular Noun

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7. Plural Noun

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8. Compound Noun

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9. Countable Noun

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10. Uncountable Noun

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12. Concrete Noun

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FAQs on Noun and it’s types

What is the definition of a noun?...