Types of Peer Appraisal

1. 360-Degree Evaluation: This all-inclusive approach gathers input from a variety of people, including managers, peers, employees, and even outside customers or clients. Through the collection of data from many angles, it offers a comprehensive picture of a person’s performance.

2. Rate Measures: Using pre-established rating scales based on a range of criteria, including problem-solving skills, collaboration, communication ability, and job-specific capabilities, peers evaluate one another. Performance comparison and quantitative assessment are made possible by this strategy.

3. Narrative Feedback: Peers provide their colleagues qualitative feedback by providing particular instances of behavior or performance, as well as in-depth insights into their strengths and opportunities for growth.

4. Peer Rankings: Based on performance indicators or total contributions, employees are ranked about their peers. While this approach may be helpful in identifying top performers or possible candidates for advancement, it may also incite rivalry among team members.

5. Behavioral Evaluations: Peers assess one another’s conduct and social abilities, emphasizing traits like leadership, conflict resolution, and communication style. This kind of evaluation can stimulate the growth of emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

6. 360-Degree Review Panels: Under this method, groups of peers, managers, and other pertinent stakeholders get together to discuss and assess a person’s performance as a whole. This approach offers thorough feedback while promoting cooperation and reaching consensus.

7. Peer Mentoring: In order to assist, mentor, and provide constructive criticism to one another in order to advance professionally, peers form coaching relationships. This method places a strong emphasis on developing skills and learning from one another among peers.

Peer Appraisal: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages

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What is Peer Appraisal?

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Types of Peer Appraisal

1. 360-Degree Evaluation: This all-inclusive approach gathers input from a variety of people, including managers, peers, employees, and even outside customers or clients. Through the collection of data from many angles, it offers a comprehensive picture of a person’s performance....

Importance of Peer Appraisal

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Advantages of Peer Appraisal

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Disadvantages of Peer Appraisal

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How to Implement Peer Appraisal?

1. Establish Specific Goals and Objectives: It’s critical to start by outlining the specific goals and objectives of the peer appraisal process. One should also ascertain the organization’s goals for using peer feedback, such as identifying areas for individual growth, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and enhancing teamwork....


To sum up, peer appraisal is an effective organizational tool that promotes professional development, teamwork, and performance review. Organizations may obtain a thorough grasp of employee performance and behavior by utilizing the views and viewpoints of colleagues on the same team or at the same hierarchical level. Peer assessment has many benefits, but it also has drawbacks including prejudice, dispute resolution issues, and feedback resistance. Organizations may minimize peer appraisal’s disadvantages and optimize its advantages, nevertheless, by adopting it carefully and strategically. Peer appraisal programs that are effective must have clear communication, well-defined evaluation standards, participant training and assistance, and an atmosphere of openness and trust. Organizations may achieve continuous development by adopting peer assessment as a procedure and acknowledging the contributions of its members....

Peer Appraisal – FAQs

What distinguishes traditional performance assessment from peer appraisal?...