Types of Performance Appraisals

There are several different types of performance appraisals that organizations may use to evaluate employee performance. Here are some of the most common types of performance appraisals:

  • Graphic rating scales: This is one of the most common types of performance appraisal. It involves using a predetermined set of criteria to evaluate an employee’s performance, with ratings assigned on a scale (e.g., 1-5) for each criterion.
  • Behaviour-based appraisals: This type of appraisal focuses on the specific behaviours that employees exhibit on the job. It evaluates the extent to which employees exhibit desired behaviours and actions and may use examples of specific instances to illustrate their performance.
  • 360-degree feedback: This type of appraisal involves soliciting feedback from multiple sources, including the employee being evaluated, their manager, peers, and subordinates. This allows for a more well-rounded view of an employee’s performance and can help identify blind spots or areas for improvement.
  • Management by objectives: This type of appraisal involves setting specific performance objectives for employees and evaluating their performance based on how well they meet those objectives. This can help to align individual employee goals with the overall goals of the organization.
  • Critical incidents method: This type of appraisal focuses on specific critical incidents, or examples of particularly good or poor performance, that are recorded over some time. These incidents are then used to evaluate an employee’s overall performance.
  • Self-assessment: This type of appraisal involves having employees evaluate their performance. This can help to encourage self-reflection and self-improvement and provide valuable insights into an employee’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Essay evaluations: This type of appraisal involves providing a written evaluation of an employee’s performance, typically in the form of a narrative or essay. This allows for a more detailed evaluation of an employee’s performance but may be more time-consuming for managers to complete.

The type of performance appraisal that is used will depend on the goals of the organization and the specific needs of the employees being evaluated. Some organizations may use a combination of different types of performance appraisals to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of employee performance.

Performance Appraisals: Meaning, Significance, Objectives, Types and Criticism

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