Types of Political Parties

In all federal democracies around the world, there are two types of political parties: State Parties and Federal Unit Parties. National Parties are those that have representation in many or all of the federation’s units. There are both national and state parties in India. The Election Commission requires every political party in the country to register. 

Role of State Parties in India

A political party is a group of people who join forces to run for office and take control of the government. Every political party has policies and programs aimed at advancing society’s common benefit. They try to persuade people that their policies are better than other people’s. They want to implement their policies by gaining popular support in elections. Political parties reflect the fundamental political differences in society. All of the parties support a specific segment of society, resulting in collaboration. A party is defined by the constituency it represents, the policies it supports, and the interests it defends. A political party consists of three elements. 

  • Those who make decisions
  • Participants who are active
  • The believers 

State Political Parties

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