Types of Rearrangement Reactions

Rearrangement reactions can be of different types. Some examples include the following:

  • Curtius Rearrangement
  • Beckmann Rearrangement
  • Hoffmann Rearrangement
  • Pericyclic Rearrangement
  • Photochemical Rearrangements
  • Claisen Rearrangement

Curtius Rearrangement or Curtius Reactions

Curtius rearrangement is a chemical reaction that describes the conversion of an isocyanate to an isonitrile. This reaction usually occurs by forming an intermediate carbene in the presence of a base, e.g., sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The general reaction is described by the following equation:

RNCO + NaOH → RNH + CO2 + NaCN

The mechanism of the Curtius rearrangement involves:

Acyl azide formation from carboxylic acid:

  • Acid chlorides, or anhydrides, react with sodium azide or trimethylsilyl azide.
  • Reactions of Acylhydrazines with nitrous acid.
  • Carboxylic acid reacts directly with diphenylphosphoryl azide (DPPA).

Thermal decomposition of  acyl azide to isocyanate:

  • Nitrogen gas is lost, and acyl-nitrene is formed as an intermediate.
  • Migration of the R-group to the electron-deficient nitrogen, creating an isocyanate.

Nucleophilic attack on isocyanate:

  • Water, alcohols, or amines react with isocyanate to form primary amines, such as carbamates.

Beckmann Rearrangement

The Beckmann rearrangement is a reaction in which an oxime is converted into an amide. It generally proceeds with the help of a strong acid, including sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and usually proceeds through an oxonium ion as an intermediate. In general, a reaction goes as follows, as shown by this equation:


The mechanism of the Beckmann Rearrangement:

Formation of Oxonium Ion Intermediate:

  • Protonation of the oxime is done by a strong acid, such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

Water elimination and the formation of an imine intermediate:

  • Dehydration of the oxonium ion intermediate.

Amide Formation:

  • The deprotonation of the imine intermediate.

Hoffmann Rearrangement

The Hoffman rearrangement is a reaction where an amide is transformed into an amine. This reaction generally involves the use of a strong base like sodium hydroxide and usually takes place through the formation of an imine intermediate. The following is an equation to represent the reaction:

CH3CONH2 + NaOH → CH3NH2 + CO2 + Na

The mechanism for the Hoffmann rearrangement is as follows:

A formation of the imine intermediate:

  • Addition of a base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), to the amide.

Loss of a proton and formation of an amine:

  • It abstracts a proton from the imine intermediate.

Pericyclic Rearrangement

Pericyclic reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms or groups of atoms within a molecule from one part of the molecule to another in the course of a concerted process. This involves the simultaneous movement of several bonds, which results in a new bond. Typical examples are the Diels-Alder reaction of a diene and a dienophile to form a cyclic product.

C4H6 + C2H4 ——-> C6H10

The proposed reaction mechanism is given below:

Generation of a cyclic transition-state:

  • Here, the diene and dienophile approach each other in a concerted manner to form a cyclic transition state.

Ring product formation:

  • The cyclic transition state then undergoes conformational collapse to yield the cyclic product.

Photochemical Rearrangements

Photochemical rearrangements are a type of isomerization that occurs following irradiation by light when atoms or a group of them is translocated within a molecule. Normally, such reactions should occur in the presence of a light source. They occur when a molecule first absorbs light to form an excited state and then rearranges the molecule to a more stable ground state by concomitant light emission.

The Norrish type I reaction provides an example of a photochemical rearrangement. This reaction will then generate a carbocation and a carbonyl compound through the homolytic cleavage of a carbon-carbon bond following light irradiation. The general reaction can be written as:

R1COR2 + hv ——> R1CO + R2

The following steps may explain the mechanism for this reaction:

The molecule absorbs Light:

  • A molecule will absorb light and then become excited.

Formation of the carbocation and the carbonyl compound:

  • This is due to the fact that there is a cleavage of the carbon-carbon bond in the excited state, in which a carbocation and a carbonyl compound are formed.

Claisen Rearrangement

The Claisen rearrangement is a pericyclic reaction that involves the migration of a substituent from one carbon atom to another in a cyclic transition state. The reaction proceeds in a concerted fashion and is typically carried out under mild conditions.

General Equation

The general equation for the Claisen rearrangement can be represented as follows:

R1-C(O)-C(O)R2 → R1-C(O)-C(O)R2

Mechanism of the reaction:

Formation of the cyclic transition state:

  • The substrate, typically an allyl vinyl ether or an allyl enol ether, adopts a chair-like conformation.
  • The oxygen atom and the allyl group come into proximity, forming a cyclic transition state.

Concerted rearrangement:

  • In the cyclic transition state, the carbon-oxygen bond is cleaved, and the allyl group migrates to the carbonyl carbon.
  • This migration occurs in a concerted fashion, with the simultaneous formation of a new carbon-carbon bond.

Formation of the rearranged product:

  • The cyclic transition state collapses, leading to the formation of the rearranged product, which typically contains a new carbon-carbon bond and a new carbonyl group.

Rearrangement Reaction

Rearrangement reactions are a type of chemical reaction in which a compound is rearranged by moving its atom within the molecule. It is a product creation through rearranging atoms in a different order. The reaction of these components has great importance in organic chemistry and is also critically required in the synthesis of different organic compounds. The article provides information about rearrangement reactions, the mechanism of rearrangement reactions, and the significance of rearrangement in chemistry.

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Importance of Rearrangement Reaction

Versatility: This arrangement of reactions also makes them flexible enough to be produced in different circumstances and under various conditions for similar materials. Synthesis of complex molecules: All these reactions therefore, are among the basic steps whereby different organic compounds such as agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and medicines are synthesized. Mild reaction conditions: On the other hand, in the Lossen rearrangement reaction, the conditions are less severe, while the others, including Hofmann and Curtius reactions, are more intense. Hazardous Reagents Avoidance: For example, the Lossen rearrangement is conducted instead of the Hofmann and the Curtius rearrangements because the latter involves the application of the most dangerous reagents like azides. Industry applications: Rearrangement reactions have wide applications in industries, including the synthesis of paracetamol, the production of steroids and drugs, and the formation of chloro bicyclic lactams....


In summary, the importance of the rearrangement reactions is rooted in the fact that they are multipurpose. These do not only break down the molecular structure, but also create new ones; thus, through a single step process, a vast number of complex organic compounds can be synthesized. Knowing the different types of rearrangement reactions and mechanisms helps chemists to catalyze the conception of and the practice of practical synthetic strategies towards the synthesis of a variety of organic compounds....

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