Types of Resources

Resources come in three main categories: natural, human-made, and human.

Natural Resources: They are sourced from nature and are typically used with minimal alteration. They encompass elements such as the air we breathe, water found in rivers and lakes, soil, minerals, and more.

Natural resources are further divided into renewable and non-renewable resources.

Renewable resources can be replenished rapidly and are essentially limitless, such as solar and wind energy, which remain unaffected by human activities.

In contrast, non-renewable resources have a finite supply and may take thousands of years to regenerate once depleted. Examples include coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Factors like terrain, climate, and altitude play a role in determining the distribution of natural resources.

Human-Made Resources: Occasionally, natural substances become resources only after undergoing transformation. People utilize natural resources to produce human-made resources like buildings, bridges, roads, machinery, vehicles, and advancements in technology.

Human Resources: They refer to both the quantity and capabilities (both mental and physical) of individuals. This makes human beings a unique and vital resource. People themselves constitute human resources. Enhancing individuals’ skills and abilities to enable them to generate more resources is termed human resource development.

Chapter 1: Resources| CBSE Class 8 Geography Notes

Water, electricity, rickshaws, vegetables, and textbooks all share a common trait: they are utilized by you, thus possessing utility. Utility, or usefulness, is the defining characteristic that transforms an object or substance into a resource. Wondering how things attain the status of resources? Simply put, they become resources when they hold value.

This value, synonymous with worth, can be economic or non-economic and may develop over time. To delve deeper into the topic of resources, students can explore Chapter 1 of the CBSE Class 8 Geography textbook. To prepare effectively for exams, it’s advisable to review the CBSE Notes for Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 – Resources.

Chapter 1: Resources| CBSE Class 8 Geography Notes

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