Types of Respiration

There are 2 types of Respiration are:


Aerobic Respiration 

It is the process of producing energy from food through cellular respiration in the presence of oxygen gas. Aerobic respiration is the use of oxygen to break down glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids in order to produce ATP as byproducts of this process are water, and carbon dioxide is produced. For example, This type of respiration is found in the majority of plants and animals, including birds, humans, and other mammals.

Glucose (C6H12O6) + Oxygen (O2) ⇢ Carbon (CO2) + Water (H2O) + Energy (ATP)

Anaerobic Respiration

Due to a lack of oxygen, they respire in the absence of oxygen to produce the energy they require, which is known as anaerobic respiration. Our bodies require a lot of energy when we do heavy or intense exercises like running, sprinting, cycling, or weight lifting. Because the supply of oxygen is limited, our body’s muscle cells resort to anaerobic respiration to meet the energy demand. Anaerobic respiration, for example, is typically found in lower plants and microorganisms. The process occurs in a cell’s cytoplasm. This process’s chemical reaction is as follows:

Glucose (C6H12O6) ⇢ Alcohol 2(C2H5OH) + Energy (ATP )+ 2Co2


Respiration is a common life process in all living organisms. The exchange of gases between the cell and the surrounding is known as respiration. In human normally, the phase of respiration starts when  glucose with oxygen produces 2 pyruvic acids and generate 2 ATP. Cells are the building blocks of living things, and they have a finite lifespan. Pyruvic Acid further involves in TCA and oxidative phosphorylation which produces Adenosine Triphosphate i.e., the energy currency of a cell.

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