Types of Retailing Trade

1. Itinerant Retailers: The traders who do not have a fixed place to carry their trade. They keep moving from one place to another in search of potential customers.  Itinerant Retailers includes:

  • Peddlers and Hawkers
  • Market Traders
  • Street Traders(pavement vendors)
  • Cheap Jacks

2. Fixed Shop Retailers: The retail shops that have their permanent place from where they sell their merchandise are fixed shop retailers. They do not move from one place to another in search of customers. They are of two types:

(I) Fixed Shop Small Retailers:

  • General Stores
  • Specialty Shops
  • Street Stall Holder
  • Secondhand Goods Shop
  • Single Line Stores

(II) Fixed Shop Large Retailers:

  • Departmental Stores
  • Chain or Multiple Stores

3. Mail Order Houses: Such retail outlets that sell their products through the mail and no direct personal contact are called mail-order houses. The orders are taken and products are delivered through post.

4. Consumer Co-operative Stores: A consumer cooperative store can be defined as an organization that is managed, controlled, and owned by consumers themselves. These are established to cut the cost by reducing the number of middlemen who increase the cost.

5. Super Markets: A supermarket is a huge retailing business unit selling a wide variety of consumer goods. The products traded are food items and other low-priced, branded, and widely used consumer products. It is generally situated at the main shopping market of a city and offers different types of products under one roof.

6. Vending Machines: Vending machines are the newest and revolutionary item in marketing methods. Coins or plastic money is used to operate vending machines from which one can buy hot beverages, platform tickets, milk, soft drinks, chocolate, newspaper, etc. 

Introduction to Internal Trade

Internal trade includes buying and selling goods and services within the boundaries of a nation. It includes all the trade from a neighborhood shop in a locality or departmental store, mall, or central market. Any product or service that has been purchased or sold within the national boundaries of a country can be termed as internal trade. It implies that the buyer, as well as the seller of the product or service, should belong to one country. Purchase or sell of products and services online through the internet within the boundaries of a country also comes under internal trade.

There are three main constituents in internal trade i.e. Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Retailers. Manufactures are those units that are responsible for producing goods at a large scale, wholesalers are those units that purchases goods from manufacturers in bulk, and retailers are those units that purchases goods in smaller quantity from wholesalers and further sell them directly to customers. These all are interconnected to each other.

 Internal Trade can further be classified into two categories:

1. Wholesale Trade:

Generally, products are to be distributed to a large number of customers who are located over a wide geographical area. It’s very difficult for producers of those products to reach those buyers directly. So, intermediaries are set up between producer and buyer. Wholesale Trade refers to buying and selling of goods and services in bulk quantities for resale or intermediate use. Wholesalers act as an important link between the producer and retailers. Wholesalers not only help the producers to reach a wide geographical area but also help in performing a variety of functions related to the distribution of goods.

2. Retail Trade:

Retailers are a business enterprise that is involved in selling goods and services directly to the ultimate customer. They buy goods from wholesalers in large quantities and sell them in smaller quantities to the ultimate customer. Retailers can sell goods and services personally, by telephone, or by vending machines. Products may be sold in different places as well.

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