Types of Sequential Circuit

There are two types of sequential circuits available:

1. Synchronous Sequential Circuit

Synchronous circuits synchronize with either positive edge or negative edge of the clock signal, that means, the outputs of synchronous sequential circuits change or affect at the same time. These circuits use clock signal and level input (or pulsed with restrictions on pulse width and circuit propagation). Since they wait for the next clock pulse to arrive to perform the next operation, so these circuits are a bit slower compared to asynchronous. Level output changes state at the start of an input pulse and remains in that until the next input or clock pulse. The synchronous sequential circuit can be locked or unlocked (or pulsed).

For more detail you can refer Synchronous Sequential Circuits in Digital Logic article.

2. Asynchronous Sequential Circuit

Asynchronous circuits do not synchronize with positive edge or negative edge of the clock signal, that means, the outputs of asynchronous sequential circuits do not change or affect at the same time and change their state immediately when there is a change in the input signal. So, these circuits are faster and independent of the internal clock pulses. But these circuits have uncertainty in the outputs and are difficult to design.

For more detail you can refer Asynchronous Sequential Circuits article.

Types of Sequential Circuit

A sequential circuit is widely used for storing and processing information such as retaining and manipulating data which makes them an essential component in various electronic devices in the realm of digital electronics. Sequential circuits process data in a sequential manner which makes them essential building blocks of many applications computer processors, memory systems, and communication networks by enabling memory retention and feedback capabilities.

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