Types of SQL Data Encryption

SQL Data Encryption

Data protection is very crucial in today’s modern tech era. Especially for any organization that stores the personal details of their customers in their database. The main goal of SQL Data Encryption is to protect unauthorized access to data within or outside the organization. In this article, we will be going through the basics of SQL data encryption, its types, and methods to implement Data Encryption in SQL databases.

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What is SQL Data Encryption and How it Works?

SQL data encryption involves converting the sensitive data of the database into an unreadable format using various kinds of cryptographic algorithms. Only responsible persons will be able to access the actual data through the decryption key. The SQL database supports various encryption methods, each with its unique characteristics and applications. Before deep diving into the types of SQL data encryptions let us understand how encryption works....

Types of SQL Data Encryption

Transparent Data Encryption(TDE)...

Transparent Data Encryption(TDE)

TDE encrypts the entire database, including the actual data and the log files at rest. This process works seamlessly in the background without affecting the performance of the user program. TDE provides a transparent layer of security over the datbase with small changes in the actual database schema. TDE operates on the file level which encrypts the databse files on the disk. The encryption works automtically as it is read from or written in the databse. TDE uses symmetric key for securing the database....

Column-Level Encryption

This method of encryption involves encrypting specific columns within a table rather than the whole table or the databse. This method allows organizations to selectively secure their data. Column level encryption is useful while dealing with databases that stores a combination of both sensitive and unsensitive data. CLE also operates on the file level which encrypts the database files on the disk. CLE uses also use the asymmetric key for data encryption....

Benefits of SQL Data Encryption

Following are the benefits of the SQL data encryption:...


The data encryption is very crucial if you are an organization and you are storing the data of your customers. The choice on the type of encryption completely depends on your personal choice whether you want to encrypt the whole data or selective data. If you want to encrypt the whole data then go with TDE and if you want to encrypt the selective data then go with CLE. Ultimately we hope that this article helped you to understand about the SQl data encryption....

FAQs on SQL Data Encryption

Q.1: Is SQL data encryption necessary?...