Types of Static Relays

Analog Static Relays

  • Time-Delay Relays: These relays allow a time delay before carrying out a particular action, for example, opening or closing a circuit. They are found often used in applications where a delay is needed for coordination or sequencing of operations.
  • Phase Comparison Relays: Phase comparison relays compare the phase angles of two electrical quantities such as voltages or currents to detect faults or abnormalities in power systems. They are widely used for fault detection and protection in transmission lines and substations.

Digital Static Relays

  • Microprocessor-Based Relays: These relays use microprocessors and digital signal processing techniques for advanced protection, control, and monitoring functions. They provide flexibility, programmability and high accuracy, which makes them suitable for complex applications in power systems.
  • Numerical Relays: Numerical relays are a branch of microprocessor-based relays that use numerical algorithms to process electrical quantities and make protection decisions. These features include communication interfaces, self-testing, and event recording that improve the dependability and productivity of protection schemes.

Functional Static Relays

Specialized Tasks

  • In electrical systems, operating static relays fulfills specific functions with high accuracy, i.e. overcurrent protection or control of electricity charge.
  • While carrying out certain tasks, thus they are responsible for the integrity and powerful working of the electrical system.

Tailored Configuration

  • The engineers could tune in to functional static relays according to specific applications by establishing different parameters and settings for individual cases of work.
  • The relay has been fitted with the configurations that can operate the units to their optimum performance in different field conditions and under loading.

Seamless Integration

  • The static relays feature is suitable for typical electrical infrastructure, interface environments, and automation systems.
  • This integration, therefore, facilitates operation efficiency by making the operations concomitant or homogenous and dealing with the untidy situations as a single entity and not as separate entities.

Specialized Static Relays

  • Synchro check Relays: Synchro check relay systems make sure of synchronous operation of the generators parallelly operated or tie-breaker circuits before the interconnecting breakers are closed. They help to protect assets and deliver the power from different sources with ease.
  • Loss-of-Excitation Relays: These relays detect the loss of excitation in synchronous generators and then implement the protective measures to protect the generator from destruction and prevent the system from instability. They play a significant role in ensuring grid stability under abnormal operational states.
  • Frequency Relays: Frequency relays control the frequency of an electrical system by tripping the circuit breaker if the frequency deviates beyond permitted limits. They are used for the purpose of stabilizing the frequency of motors, generators as well as other sensitive equipment.

Electronics Relay

  • Mechanical Relay: The relay consists of a coil that receives electrical signals and converts them into motion, and contacts that open and close the circuit.
  • MOS FET Relay: The MOS FET relay is an electronic device that uses power MOS FETs at the output. It consists of the three components which includes LED ( light-emitting diode ) chip, PDA (photodiode array) chip and MOS FET chipMetal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (metal, oxide, semiconductor, field effect transistor).

Transductor Relay (Magnetic Amplifier Relay)

  • Transductor relays works on the principle of variation in the inductance.
  • Transductor relays are the magnetic relays or magnetic amplifier.
  • The transductor consists of a magnetic core with two groups of windings, usually called working windings and control windings. There can only be one winding in each group, but if there is more than one winding in a group, they are all magnetically connected.

Transistor relays

  • Transistors act like electric valves and can overcome many of the limitations imposed by electric valves, thus making it possible to create electrical relays (often called static relays).
  • The characteristics of modern transistors is that they can replace components used in electromechanical relays to provide the required characteristics.

Rectifier bridge relays

  • Designed like rectifiers and relays.
  • Low voltage, high current capability.
  • Industry leading ultra-low voltage drop.
  • No heat sink and air flow is required.
  • It has fully encapsulated solid state design.

Gauss effect relays

  • Some metals and electronics change their resistance at lower temperatures when exposed to the magnetic field in relays, known as the Gaussian effect.
  • This effect depends mainly on the ratio of depth to width and increases as this ratio increases.
  • This effect is easily seen in some metals at room temperature, such as bismuth, magnetized indium, and indium arsenide.

Static Relay

Technological progress in electrical engineering is indisputably the forecast and the scenery of power production and transmission. The static relays are no doubt the standouts not only its advancements but also the development in the revolution. The implementation of static relays has led the industry in the transition from conventional relays toward reliable, essential, and more exact relays managing electricity. In this article, we deep mark the idea of static relays, their work process, and merits, they are the main source of electric power network systems.

Table of Content

  • What is a Static Relay?
  • Components and Working Principle
  • Types
  • Static Vs Electromagnetic Relays.
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications

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Applications of Static Relays

Overcurrent Protection: Due to their specific property of engaging quickly for tripping fuses, relays are ideal in power generation and transmission to provide overcurrent protection. They measure whether the system current value exceeds the normal one and if the answer is “yes” – they isolate the feeder of the affected circuit from the general system within a fraction of a second to avoid damage of the equipment and support the system reliability....


Static relays have main approach in power production as well as transmission, with being on the field totally unmatched in reliability, efficiency and precision in relay operations. their robust structure, fast response times, programmability characteristics and influence on contemporary power systems as a whole. As the need for both dependable and robust power networks remains strong in the rising demand, dynamic relays will remain the innovative leaders driving towards better energy management and grid optimization....

FAQs on Static Relay

What is static relay, and how does it differ from the mechanical relays?...