Types of Steam Boiler

Types of Steam Boilers are given below

  • Hot Water Boilers
  • Electric Boilers
  • Gas Boilers
  • Low Pressure Boilers
  • High Pressure Boilers
  • Water Tube Boiler
  • Fire Tube Boiler
  • Package Boiler
  • Stoker Fired Boiler

Hot Water Boilers

Hot water boilers are a type of boilers in which heat is transferred throughout the system to water in order to heat up the water. Since these boilers operate at a high range of temperature, it is necessary to design them using a material that can withstand high temperature and is durable .Therefore these boilers are made using materials like stainless steel, cast iron, aluminium and iron that can withstand high pressure and temperature.

Hot Water Boiler

Electric Boilers

Electric boiler performs the same function as any boiler but it has a different construction and design. It doesn’t use the conventionally steam method to generate heat in the system rather it uses electric means to generate heat in the system. Electric elements that heat up when provided with electricity are used. This makes electric boilers more energy efficient and eco-friendly since no fuel is consumed up. Due to no fuel requirement ,it doesn’t leave any residue. They are generally categorized to be long lasting maintenance free because they require minimal cleaning.

Electric Boiler

Gas Boilers

Gas boiler performs the same function as any boiler but it has a different construction and design. A gas boiler uses natural gas or methane as a replacement of steam which is used in standard boilers. The use of natural gas makes gas boilers more efficient . The fuel of gas boiler i.e. methane is led into the gas boiler through a pipe which brings it from some outlet into the boiler. The configurations of gas boilers can vary and ultimately affect the way in which fuel is getting distributed. Usually gas boilers are used for industrial and commercial purposes.

Gas Boiler

Low Pressure Boilers

Low pressure boilers performs the same function as any boiler but it has a different construction and design. As the name suggests, these boilers within a pressure range of around 10 and 15 psi with a temperature constraint of 300° F (149° C). These boilers come into use when a consistent temperature range is required rather than the one where temperature changes quickly. These boilers are popular mainly because they can deliver steam at a much faster rate than any other boiler.

Low Pressure Boiler

High Pressure Boilers

High Pressure Boilers performs the same function as any boiler but it has a different construction and design. These boilers require to create excessive pressure to power equipment and machinery. Usually a pump is used to generate so much force and pressure required to create the steam at high pressure into the circulation system. The typical range where a high boiler operates is around 5 psi and 800 psi at temperatures which should be greater than 250° F (121° C). These devices need to be monitored regularly because of high pressure in the system. They can be categorized into two types namely batch or continuous.

High pressure boiler

Water Tube Boiler

Water tube boilers are a type of boilers in which water is carried throughout the system using tubes in order to generate heat . Since these boilers operate at a high range of temperature, it is necessary to design them using a material that can withstand high temperature and is durable .The tubes that carry the water are then heated to generate steam. Here is a diagram representing how does a water tube boiler works. Note how the water is stored in tubes.

Water Tube Boiler

Let us see the principle that dictates how the water boiler works. here is the principle

The water boiler works on the principle that combustion of fuels can generate heat which can be used to boil the water and generate steam at high pressure. This high pressure steam can then be used for generating power for commercial purpose.

Water boilers are quite useful devices and are mainly popular because:

  • They have enhanced efficiency because they convert the fuel into a usable energy and they minimize the heat loss.
  • They are quite versatile and adaptable. The steam generated from steam boiler can be used for various versatile purposes like power generation, cooking and even heating.
  • Water boilers are reliable in the long -term. They require minimal maintenance meaning that they don’t require much update in the long-run.
  • These boilers are quite safe and can be operated without any fear.
  • These devices are fast operating and generate steam very rapidly.

Fire Tube Boiler

Fire tube boilers are a type of boilers in which water or the fluid that is meant to be heated flows through tubes that are constantly surrounded by fire. This is in contrary to a watertube boiler, in which the fire flows through tubes which is surrounded by water. Note that the way it operates, it can be difficult to use fire tube boilers are large scale therefore they are used on small scale to perform small operations like heating and cooking. Here is a diagram representing how does a fire tube boiler works. Note how the fire is stored in tubes.

Fire Tube Boiler

Package Boiler

As the name suggests, a package boiler is a types of boiler that has been packed completely meaning that entire boiler and its components have been assembled and the boiler is ready to use once it’s deployed on the site. Once it reaches the destination only some connection of Essential parts is required because all other pressure components have been stuck together. This type of boiler generates high heat using methods like radiation and convection which gives this boiler High thermal efficiency and better heat transfer. Here is a diagram representing how does a package boiler works. Note how all connections are made.

Package Boiler

Stoker Fired Boiler

Stoker-fired boilers are used in many programs that have a requirement of thermal capacities under 50 MW. In those boilers, the gas is fed by a stoker onto the furnace, in which it is ignited by way of warmth from the refractory above. because the gasoline travels down the grate, it maintains to burn, with number one air coming from below. once it reaches the stop of the grate, the non-combustible residues fall into the ash pit. meanwhile, the flue gases tour into a blending chamber in which the combustion procedure is finished, subsequently passing through the warmth exchanger in which they surrender their warmth to generate steam.

Stoker Fire Boiler

Steam Boiler

We have seen how technology has advanced to the point where every resource is being used as a potential that can be used to solve certain purposes. One device is a Steam Boiler which is a device used on a commercial scale for heating water. Its certain qualities make it a perfect heating device.

To utilize the energy of a steam Boiler, we require a proper set up which is done mainly in industries on a large scale. In this article, we will see what a Steam Boiler is, and what are the necessary components of a Steam Boiler. We will also understand the workings of a Steam Boiler through its diagram.

Later, we will try to throw light on some advantages and disadvantages of the Steam Boiler. We will also see some real-life applications of Steam boilers. To understand the characteristics of the Steam Boiler, we will study the characteristics and types of Steam Boiler and all the characteristics that it must satisfy. Later, we will conclude the article with some Frequently asked questions.

Table of Content

  • Steam Boiler
  • Construction and Components
  • working
  • Types
  • Characteristics
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications

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We have seen how Steam Boiler makes an integral part of modern industries. The need of hot water is felt almost everywhere including some power plants therefore it was necessary to introduce some device that efficiently converts water to steam for commercial purposes. This article has provided us a deep insight as to what a Steam Boiler is and what are its characteristics that distinguishes it from other major devices in market. Steam Boiler although has multiple benefits yet it has some of its own limitations which are stated above .Advancements are being made in this field and expected that readers develop some questions in regard to the topics they studied .Therefore, they are advised to refer to the Frequently Asked questions to clear all doubts....

FAQs on Steam Boiler

Is it necessary to use fuel to heat up water in a boiler?...