Types of Threats

Below are tow types of threats.

1. Program threats

Below are some program threats.

  • Virus: A virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file. The virus spreads when an infected file is passed from system to system. Viruses can be harmless or they can modify or delete data. Opening a file can trigger a virus.
  • Trojan Horse: A Trojan horse is malware that carries out malicious operations under the appearance of a desired operation such as playing an online game. 
  • Logic Bomb: A logic bomb is a malicious program that uses a trigger to activate the malicious code. The logic bomb remains non-functioning until that trigger event happens.

2. System Threats

Below are some system threats.

  • Worm: Worms replicate themselves on the system, attaching themselves to different files and looking for pathways between computers, such as computer network that shares common file storage areas.
  • Denial of Service: Denial of Service (DoS) is a cyber-attack on an individual Computer or Website with the intent to deny services to intended users. Their purpose is to disrupt an organization’s network operations by denying access to its users.

Operating System Security

Protection refers to a mechanism that controls the access of programs, processes, or users to the resources defined by a computer system. We can take protection as a helper to multiprogramming operating systems so that many users might safely share a common logical namespace such as a directory or files.

Security can be attacked in the following ways:

  1. Authorization
  2. Browsing
  3. Trap doors
  4. Invalid Parameters
  5. Line Tapping
  6. Electronic Data Capture
  7. Lost Line
  8. Improper Access Controls
  9. Waste Recovery
  10. Rogue Software

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What is Operating System Security?

Measures to prevent a person from illegally using resources in a computer system, or interfering with them in any manner. These measures ensure that data and programs are used only by authorized users and only in a desired manner, and that they are neither modified nor denied to authorized users. Security measures deal with threats to resources that come from outside a computer system, while protection measures deal with internal threats. Passwords are the principal security tool....

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How to Ensure Operating System Security?

Authorization: It means verification of access to the system  resources. Intruders may guess or steal password and use it. Intruder may use a vendor-supplied password, which is expected to use by system administrator. It may find password by trial and error method. If the user logs on and goes for a break then the intruder may use the terminal. An intruder can write a dummy login program to fool user and that program collects information for its use later on. Authentication: Authentication is verification of a user’s identity. Operating systems most often perform authentication by knowledge. That is, a person claiming to be some user X is called upon to exhibit some knowledge shared only between the OS and user X, such as a password Browsing: Files are very permissive so one can easily browse system files. Due to that it may access database and confidential information can be read. Trap doors: Sometimes Software designers want to modify their programs after installation. for that there are some secret entry points which programmers keep and it does not require and permission . These are called trap doors. Intrudes can use these trap doors. Invalid Parameters: Due to invalid parameters some security violation can take place. Line Tapping: Tapings in the communication line can access or modify confidential data. Electronic data capture: Using wiretaps or mechanism to pick up screen radiation and recognize what is displayed on screen is termed electronic data capture. Lost Line: In networking, the line way gets lost. In such case some o/s log out and allow access only after correct identify of user. some o/s cannot do this. So process will be floating and allow intruder to access data. Improper Access Controls: Some administrators may not plan about all rights. So some users may have more access and some users have very less access. Waste Recovery: If the block is deleted its information will be as it is. until it is allocated to another file. Intruder may use some mechanism to scan these blocks. Rogue Software: Programs are written to create mischief ....

Frequently Asked Questions on Operating System Security – FAQs

What is system security?...