Types of Variable in ABAP

  1. Local variables
  2. Static variables
  3. Reference variables
  4. System variables
  5. Structured variables

1. Local Variable

Local variables meaning is self-explanatory. They are highly specific to the application, function, inclusion, etc. The variable’s lifetime is the duration of the execution of the program, function, include, etc. where it was initially declared.

Simple program to get clear understanding of Local variable.

*& Report Z_LOCAL
*& Program Written by w3wiki


* Loop for 10 times.

* Perform Subtraction subroutine.
PERFORM subtraction


* Subroutine subtraction coding.
FORM subtraction.

* Initializing local variable.
DATA lv_local TYPE I VALUE 101

* subtracting 1 to local variable.
lv_local = lv_local - 1.

* Display local variable.
WRITE: / lv_local.




Every statement in the above mentioned example is preceded with a remark that provides context for the statement. Read these to obtain a clear idea of the sample code.

Coming to output, lv_local variable is declared in the subroutine and it is local to the subtraction subroutine. So the lv_local variable got initialized everytime whenever subtraction subroutine called.

In the above example, we have called subtraction subroutine 10 times. So, the lv_local variable got initialized with 99 on every time and subtract 1 from 101 and display output 100. The same happens for 10 times.

2. Static Variable

Static variables only ever initialize once, at the beginning of the program’s execution of the program, function, include, etc., and are not initialize after that. The static variable’s value is retained until the execution of the program, function, inclusion, etc. is complete.

Certainly, here are the rephrased points about variable declarations in SAP ABAP:

  • Declaration of Static Variables:
    • Static variables can be defined within subroutines, function modules, or static methods.
    • Their lifespan is tied to the scope of the declaration.
  • Usage of ‘CLASS-DATA’ Statement:
    • Within classes, you can employ the ‘CLASS-DATA’ statement to declare variables.
  • ‘PARAMETERS’ Statement for Input Fields:
    • The ‘PARAMETERS’ statement is utilized for declaring elementary data objects associated with input fields on a selection screen.
  • ‘SELECT-OPTIONS’ Statement for Input Fields and Internal Tables:
    • You can also employ the ‘SELECT-OPTIONS’ statement to declare internal tables linked to input fields on a selection screen.

Simple program to get clear understanding of static variable.

*& Report Z_STATIC
*& Program Written by w3wiki


* Loop for 8 times.

* Perform addition Subroutine.
PERFORM addition.


* Subroutine addition declaration and coding.
FORM addition.

* Initializing static variable.
STATICS lv_static TYPE I VALUE 99.

* Adding 1 to static variable.
lv_static = lv_static + 1.

* Display static variable.
WRITE: / lv_static.




In the above example, each statement is preceded by a remark that explains the assertion. Examine them to acquire a good view of the sample code.

In terms of output, the subroutine declares the lv_static variable, which is static to the addition procedure. As a result, the lv_static variable was only initialized the first time the addition procedure was used. The lv_static variable, which was initially set to 99, is added to 99 after the first sobroutine call, and the result 100 is shown for the first time. The value 100 from the first call is retained in the lv_static variable for the second call, and the result 101 is shown in the second iteration.

In the above example, we have called addition subroutine 8 times. So, the lv_static variable value incementing by 1 every time and display output 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 and 107.

3. Reference Variable:

Reference variables are made up of references. In an ABAP application, the real contents of a reference variable, namely the value of a reference, are not accessible. ABAP contains both data and object references. As a result, data reference variables are classified into two types: data reference variables and object reference variables.

Simple program to get clear understanding of reference variable.

*& Program Written by w3wiki


* local variable lv_number declaration
DATA: lv_number TYPE I VALUE 7.

* local reference variable lr_number declaration
DATA: lr_number TYPE REF TO I.

* Displaying the local variable number before referencing
WRITE : 'lv_number value before referencing ', lv_number.

* Referencing lr_number to lv_number
GET REFERENCE OF lv_number INTO lr_number.

* Changing the value of lv_number using the reference variable lr_number
lr_number->* = 9.

* Displaying the local variable number after referencing & value change
WRITE : /'lv_number value after referencing ', lv_number.


lvl_number value before referencing     7
lvl_number value after referencing 9

In the above example, each statement is preceded by a remark that explains the assertion. Examine them to acquire a good view of the sample code.

In the output, the variable lv_number is declared as a local variable and initialized with 7. The reference variable lr_number was declared, and the reference of lv_number was assigned to lr_number using the command “GET REFERENCE OF”.

The lr_number now points to the lv_number memory address where the value 7 is stored. Using lr_number to assign 9 to the memory space indirectly alters the lv_number value. As a result, 7 was substituted with 9, and the final output is kept in lv_number.

4. System Variable

In SAP ABAP, system variables are predefined variables that record system-specific information like the current date, time, and user. They are available from within ABAP applications and offer critical system-related data for use in program logic and presentation.

A quick description of some popular SAP ABAP system variables:

  • SY-UNAME: The current user’s ID.
  • SY-DATUM: Today’s date.
  • SY-UZEIT: This is the current time.
  • SY-INDEX: The current loop’s index.
  • SY-SUBRC: The last operation’s return code.
  • SY-TABIX: The current line’s index in an internal table.
  • SY-CPROG: The current program’s name.
  • SY-TCODE: The transaction code of the current transaction.
  • SY-LSIND: A LOOP indicator at an internal table.
  • SY-LSLSP: A nested internal table LOOP indicator.

These variables are critical for program control and processing in SAP ABAP.

Simple program to display some of the system variables.

*& Program Written by w3wiki


* Displaying some of the system variables


SY-DATUM 06.10.2023

In the above example, each statement is preceded by a remark that explains the assertion. Examine them to acquire a good view of the sample code.

The Latin alphabets are shown via SY-ABCDE. SY-DATUM displays the system date (also known as the program run date). SY-DBSYS shows the name of the system central database. The system language is shown via SY-LANGU. The current client ID used to logon is shown by SY-MANDT. SY-OPSYS displays the current application server’s operating system. SY-SAPRL displays the currently active ABAP release. SY-TCODE displays the ABAP editor’s current running transaction code.

5. Structured Variables

The structured variable specified as a structured data type is supported by ABAP. Structured variable may be defined by utilizing BEGIN OF and END OF keywords.

A structure variable can be declared by using LIKE on another structure variable. The hyphen (-) character can be used to access each individual field in the structure.

Simple program to display student details using structure.

*& Program Written by w3wiki


* Declaring student structure with student no, student name and
* student class
DATA: BEGIN OF student,
no TYPE n,
name(25) TYPE c,
class(10) TYPE c,
END OF student.

* Assigning value to student no
MOVE 1 TO student-no.

* Assigning value to student name
MOVE 'Ashish' TO student-name.

* Assigning value to student class
MOVE '3rd Class' TO student-class.

* Displaying student structure details by using structure appending
WRITE : 'student-no :', student-no,
/ 'student-name :', student-name,
/ 'student-class:', student-class.


student-no    : 1
student-name : Ashish
student-class : 3rd Class

Every statement in the mentioned example is preceded with a remark that provides context for the statement. Read these to obtain a clear idea of the sample code. A structural variable is student. No, the fundamental variables in the student structure variable are name and class. The structural variables relate to the students as student-no, student-name, and student-class respectively. In the programming procedure, the variables student-no, student-name, and student-class are utilized to manipulate the data.

SAP ABAP | Understanding Variables

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