UI/UX Design for Augmented Reality

Now that we what Augmented Reality is, to extend those points, here are some points on UX design’s Role in Augmented Reality:

  • Immersive design is key for a good AR application: The importance of Immersiveness cannot be explained more, Immersive design is the cornerstone of a successful AR application. If the application is not immersive, it does not give a feeling of a real stimulated world, no other feature will be able to sustain that applications success. Through UX Design or XR design or AR design, one can create these immersive designs capturing the users attention.
  • Comfort is a make or break for user retention: For example, what if your application covers more that the user’s sight and the user has to move his/her head in order to see your entire application. This example shows how comfort can cause your application a disadvantage, even if your application has the best of the best functionalities, these small UX design principle are the ones that stays with the user the most.
  • Design helps with navigation in the AR application: It is the responsibility of UX designers or AR designers to create a proper user navigation design for the AR application. Navigation in AR application is as important as it is in any other website, application on any product in general. By following proper UX design principle you can design application with a great user navigation features.
  • UX defines how you interact with the Stimulated world: In AR, the role of UX design is to decide how the user interacts with the simulated world. An AR designer designs interactions like what happens when user touches or picks up an object. Interaction should not require people to do specific things, unusual pose or gesture or any other unusual interaction. This can be done by properly designing the interactions keeping in mind the user’s perspective.
  • A good AR interface is impossible without proper UX design: The first thing and the last thing that the user interacts with in a AR simulation is the interface. This makes designing an interface a very important role of a AR designer. A good AR interface is a result of following the best UI design practices along with proper user interaction design.

UX Design for Augmented Reality: Blending Digital and Physical Worlds

UX plays a very crucial role in the success of any digital product and so is the case with Augmented Reality products. For Augmented Reality where the success of the product depends on how immersive the experience is, UX design becomes even more important. In this article, we will discuss how to design user experiences for Augmented Reality.

UX Design for Augmented Reality

Table of Content

  • What is Augmented Reality?
  • What is UX Design?
  • UI/UX Design for Augmented Reality
  • Why Learn UX Design in AR Technologies?
  • UX design Best Practices for AR
  • Conclusion

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