Understanding findByIdAndUpdate

  • findByIdAndUpdate is a MongoDB operation that finds a single document by its unique _id field, updates it and returns either the original document by default or the modified document if specified.
  • It is particularly useful when you have the _id of the document you want to update.


returnOriginal: <boolean>,
// Additional options


  • <id>: Specifies the unique _id of the document to be updated.
  • <update>: Specifies the modifications to apply to the selected document.
  • returnOriginal: Optional. Determines whether to return the original document (true) or the modified document (false). Default is true.

Difference Between findOneAndUpdate and findByIdAndUpdate in MongoDB

In MongoDB, findOneAndUpdate and findByIdAndUpdate are both update operations used to modify documents in a collection. But they are used for different behaviors and use cases.

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two methods by providing detailed examples and outputs to understand the concepts effectively.

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Understanding findByIdAndUpdate

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Example of findByIdAndUpdate

const userId = ObjectId("60a1e862b29a55098a80e50c"); // Assuming this is the user's _idconst result = db.users.findByIdAndUpdate( userId, // Document _id { $set: { age: 35 } }, // Update operation { returnOriginal: false } // Return the modified document);printjson(result);...

Difference Between findOneAndUpdate and findByIdAndUpdate in MongoDB

Feature findOneAndUpdate findByIdAndUpdate Target Document Finds a single document matching the specified criteria. Finds a single document by its unique _id field. Filter Criteria Allows specifying arbitrary filter criteria. Specifically targets a document by its unique _id field. Usage of _id Requires additional information about the document (e.g., name, age). Only needs the _id of the document. Atomic Operation Yes Yes...


Overall, findOneAndUpdate and findByIdAndUpdate are powerful operations for updating documents in a collection. However, they differ in their usage and target document selection criteria. Understanding these differences is essential for choosing the appropriate operation based on your specific use case....