Understanding Node.js Processes

Single-threaded Event Loop

Node.js operates on a single-threaded event loop architecture, allowing it to handle concurrent operations efficiently without the need for multi-threading.

Process Object

The process object in Node.js provides information and control over the Node.js process. It includes properties like process.pid (process ID), process.argv (arguments passed to the process), and process.env (environment variables).

Child Processes

Node.js allows for the creation of child processes to execute external commands or run additional Node.js scripts asynchronously. This enables parallel processing and improves performance.

Node.js Process Complete Reference

A process object is a global object that gives information about and controls the node.js process. As it is global, it can be used in the project without importing it from any module. 

Table of Content

  • Understanding Node.js Processes
  • Events and Event-driven Architecture
  • Execution Models and Asynchronous Programming

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