Understanding Sum of Squared Deviations

The Sum of Squared Deviation measures the deviation of data points from the mean data point. This helps us understand the dispersion of our data points. The mathematical formula to calculate SSD is:

SSD= ∑ni=1 (xi -xmean )2


  • SSD: sum of squared deviations
  • n: number of data points in the dataset
  • xi: represents each individual data point. These points are the individual observations in our dataset.
  • xmean: mean data point of the dataset. This is the average of the data points. The formula is given by:
    xmean= 1/n∑ i=1nxi
  • Deviation from the Mean (xi –xmean): This is the deviation of individual data points from the mean point. This explains how far the data point is from the mean point.
  • Squared Deviations ((xi -xmean )2): We square the deviation so that we can cancel out negative and positive deviations.

Calculating Sum Of Squared Deviations In R

Statistics plays an important role in data handling and analysis. Many such concepts are used to understand the nature of data, one of which is the Sum of Squared Deviations. It is a fundamental quantity in stats that helps in understanding the variability in our dataset.

In this article, we will understand how to calculate SSD mathematically and in R Programming Language.

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