Understanding vTable and vPtr Using an Example

Here is a simple example with a base class Base and classes Derived1 derived from Base and Derived2 from class Derived1.


// C++ program to show the working of vtable and vptr
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// base class
class Base {
    virtual void function1()
        cout << "Base function1()" << endl;
    virtual void function2()
        cout << "Base function2()" << endl;
    virtual void function3()
        cout << "Base function3()" << endl;
// class derived from Base
class Derived1 : public Base {
    // overriding function1()
    void function1()
        cout << "Derived1 function1()" << endl;
    // not overriding function2() and function3()
// class derived from Derived1
class Derived2 : public Derived1 {
    // again overriding function2()
    void function2()
        cout << "Derived2 function2()" << endl;
    // not overriding function1() and function3()
// driver code
int main()
    // defining base class pointers
    Base* ptr1 = new Base();
    Base* ptr2 = new Derived1();
    Base* ptr3 = new Derived2();
    // calling all functions
    // deleting objects
    delete ptr1;
    delete ptr2;
    delete ptr3;
    return 0;


Base function1()
Base function2()
Base function3()
Derived1 function1()
Base function2()
Base function3()
Derived1 function1()
Derived2 function2()
Base function3()


1. For Base Class

The base class have 3 virtual function function1(), function2() and function3(). So the vTable of the base class would have 3 elements i.e. function pointer to base::function()

Base Class vTable

2. For Derived1 Class

The Derived1 class inherits 3 virtual functions from the Base class but overrides only function1() so all the other functions will be the same as the base class.

Derived1 Class vTable

3. For Derived2 Class

The Derived2 class is inherited from Derived1 class so it inherits the function1() of Derived1 and function2() and function3() of Base class. In this class, we have overridden only function2(). So, the vTable for Derived2 class will look like this

Derived2 Class vTable

vTable And vPtr in C++

In C++, runtime polymorphism is realized using virtual functions. But have you ever wondered how virtual functions work behind the scenes? The C++ language uses Vtable and Vptr to manage virtual functions. In this article, we will understand the concepts of Vtable and Vptr in C++.

What is Polymorphism?

In OOPs, polymorphism refers to the ability of objects to have names but different functionality. The most common use is with base class pointers or references calling derived class functions. This is called runtime polymorphism and is implemented in C++ using virtual functions.

Virtual Functions in C++

A virtual function is a member function that is declared within a base class with the virtual keyword and is re-defined (Overridden) by a derived class. When a class contains a virtual function, it can be overridden in its derived class and tells the compiler to perform dynamic linkage (or late binding) on the function. Now, the virtual functions are implemented in C++ by using vTable and vPtr.

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What is vTable?

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Understanding vTable and vPtr Using an Example

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