Unitary Features of Indian Union

The unitary features of Indian union are:

More power vests with Centre

Constitution gives more power to the union listsand on concurrent list subjects, parliament makes laws which override the laws of any state legislature on some matters.

Flexibility of the Constitution

Constitution of India is a blend of flexibility and rigidity and certain provisions of the constitution can be amended.

Unequal representation of states in Rajya Sabha

The representation of the states in upper house is based on population of states.

Emergency powers

The centre tends to provide emergency powers and when emergency is imposed, center increases control over states.

Integrated Judiciary

The judiciary in India is integrated and there is no separate judiciary at centre and state levels.

Federalism in India

Federalism is a government system in which powers are split between the central government and its constituent sections, such as states or provinces. It is an institutional system for accommodating two sets of politics, one at the national or central level and the other at the regional or provincial level.

Table of Content

  • Federalism in India
  • Federal System- Two Types of Federations
  • Features of Federalism in India
  • Federal Features of Indian Union
  • Unitary Features of Indian Union


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