
When a component is removed from the DOM, it is considered unmounted. In this scenario, only one built-in method comes into play. These component lifecycles pertain exclusively to class components. However, functional components mimic some of these lifecycle methods using React hooks, chiefly useState() and useEffect().

Mimicking Lifecycle Methods with Hooks in React

React Hooks provides a powerful way to manage state and lifecycle events in functional components. However, if you’re transitioning from class components to functional components, you might miss the familiar lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.

Fortunately, you can achieve similar functionality using Hooks. Let’s explore how to mimic lifecycle methods with Hooks.

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Mimicking componentDidMount:

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Whenever a component experiences alterations, it undergoes an update. These modifications can stem from changes in props or state. React furnishes built-in methods to manage updated components:...

Mimicking componentDidUpdate:

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Mimicking shouldComponentUpdate:

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When a component is removed from the DOM, it is considered unmounted. In this scenario, only one built-in method comes into play. These component lifecycles pertain exclusively to class components. However, functional components mimic some of these lifecycle methods using React hooks, chiefly useState() and useEffect()....

Mimicking componentWillUnmount:

In class components, componentWillUnmount is used for cleanup tasks before a component unmounts. With Hooks, you can return a cleanup function from useEffect....

Regarding the constructor:

In functional components, the constructor’s role is fulfilled by useState(). Typically, the constructor initializes state values and binds the this keyword for non-lifecycle methods. It executes prior to the component’s rendering....