Unreconciling Individual Transactions

This approach is best when you’ve identified one or just a few transactions that were reconciled by mistake. It allows for targeted corrections without having to redo an entire reconciliation completely.


  1. Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of your QuickBooks Online dashboard and select “Chart of Accounts.
  2. Find the bank or credit card account that contains the incorrect reconciliation and click “View register.
  3. Scan the register for the transaction marked with an “R” in the checkmark column. This “R” signifies that it has been reconciled.
  4. Click the box containing the “R” repeatedly until it becomes blank. This removes the transaction from the reconciliation.
  5. Click the “Save” button to finalize the change.

How to Undo Reconciliation in QuickBooks Online?

Reconciling your bank accounts in QuickBooks Online is a crucial step in ensuring your financial records are accurate and up-to-date. By comparing your QuickBooks data to your bank statements, you can catch discrepancies, identify errors, and maintain the integrity of your bookkeeping.

However, even the most careful users can sometimes make mistakes during the reconciliation process. Perhaps you accidentally reconciled the wrong transaction, or a duplicate entry slipped through. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry! QuickBooks Online provides ways to undo reconciliations, allowing you to correct errors and get your accounts back on track.

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Important Considerations

Cascading Effect: Be aware that undoing an older reconciliation in QuickBooks Online will also undo any subsequent reconciliations for that account. To minimize disruption, it’s recommended to start by undoing the most recent reconciliation and work your way backward. Manual Edits Unaffected: If you’ve made manual changes to transactions that were part of a reconciliation, the “Undo” feature won’t reverse those changes. You may need to address them separately. Accountant Consultation: For complex situations or if you’re unsure of the potential consequences of undoing reconciliations, always consult with your accountant. They can provide the best guidance based on your specific circumstances and bookkeeping needs....


Whether you need to correct a few minor mistakes or completely restart a reconciliation, QuickBooks Online offers tools to help you undo reconciliations. By carefully following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your financial records remain accurate and discrepancies are resolved. Remember, if you have any doubts or the situation seems complex, don’t hesitate to reach out to your accountant for professional assistance. They can help you navigate the process and ensure your financial data is in good order....