Unstructured Web Data Mining

Unstructured data includes data such as audio, video, etc,  We convert these unstructured data into structured data,i.e., into useful information or structured information (which is known as Web Content Mining). the process of Conversion is mentioned as follows:


What is Web Content Mining?

Pre-requisites: Web Mining

Web Content Mining is one of the three different types of techniques in Web Mining. In this article, we will purely discuss Web Content Mining. Mining, extraction, and integration of useful data, information, and knowledge from Web page content are known as Web Mining.

It describes the discovery of useful information from web content. In simple words, it is the application of web mining that extracts relevant or useful information content from the Web. Web Content mining is somehow related but different from other mining techniques like data mining and text mining. Due to heterogeneity and the absence of web data, automated discovery of new knowledge patterns can be challenging to some extent. 

Web data are generally semi-structured and/or unstructured, while data mining is primarily concerned with structured data . It performs scanning and mining of text, image and images, and groups of web pages according to the content of input by displaying the list in search engines.

For Example: if the user is searching for a particular song then the search engine will display or provide suggestions relevant to it.

Web content mining deals with different kinds of data such as text, audio, video, image, etc.

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