Unveiling the Colgate Internship Round 1 Process: Exploring Pymetrics Games

For Positions:

  1. GSSO
  2. APSSO
  3. GIO-ESC–ESC Production Control
  4. WCS: Workspace and Collaboration Services

Process of First Round

Questions Type: Pymetrics online games.

Number of Games: 12.

Duration: No Time Limit. In total, and Overall, the games took 20-25 minutes to complete.

Assessment Platform: Pymetrics. You can give the test with a good internet connection by mobile or laptop. But with a tablet, you can’t give the test.

What were the Pymetrics Games?

Game 1 – Balloon Game

In the balloon game, you have to pump a balloon by clicking on the balloon. There will be different colours shown for balloons. There will be two options as button one is “pump” and the other is “collect” or “bank money”. At any point, you can collect money or if you want to pump you can pump. While pumping score or money is also shown on the top corner of the game. The balloon will explode or burst at any point and you will lose all money. You will get 39 chances or 28 chances to pump balloons. According to my opinion while playing the game see the pattern at what point the balloon explodes then accordingly collect money. In this game, Risk Tolerance, Impulsivity, Pattern Recognition, and Decision-Making traits are measured in individuals.

Game 2 – Arrows Game

In the arrows game, you will set of arrows on screen for each set you have to respond differently. If the arrow is black or blue then you have to press immediately then you have to see the middle arrow set in which direction it is pointing if it is pointing down you have to press the down arrow like the left or right or up arrow. Another twist is that if the arrow color is red then you have to sides of the arrows at which direction they are pointing and accordingly press an arrow key. The arrows are shown for seconds only for 4-5 seconds so you have to be quick. This game consists of 135 rounds for 3 minutes. You have to be focused for that much time. Major traits measured in this game are Learning Attention, and Adaptivity.

Game 3 – Stop Game

This game is very simple in that you have to press the spacebar when a red circle will appear on your screen. The circle will appear to flash on your screen so you have to respond quickly and also be precise. You have closely pay attention to the colour of the circle it can read also green but you have only clicked the spacebar when a red circle appears on the screen. The major trait being measured here is Attention.

Game 4 – Tower Game

This game is similar to Tower of Hanoi. You will have three towers with different coloured disks. You will show the target towers picture so according to that you have rearranged the disk and in the least amount of moves possible. Two things are measured Time and Moves. The main Trait being measured is Planning.

Game 5 – Money Exchange #1

At the start of the game, you will get 10$ in earnings. Then you will give the option to transfer any amount of money to your fellow “opponent”. Up to 10$, you can send money. This amount will be tripled once sent. Then your “opponent” will decide what amount of money to give you back. In the end, you have to rate how was transaction fair from a 1-10 rating with your “opponent”. The “opponent” is assigned randomly to you. It is an AI bot. The major trait measured here is Trust and Risk Tolerance.

Game 6 – Money Exchange #2

This money exchange game is quite different from #1. This time both you and your “opponent” will get 5$ and one of you will receive extra 5$. Then you have to send extra money to your “opponent” and rate the fairness of the transaction between you and your partner. In this game main trait measured is “Altruism” which means Altruism is the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans or animals.

Game 7 – Length Game

In this game, they will show you a smiley of blue colour you have to zoom in on your screen to notice whether the smile or mouth is short or long. Accordingly, you have to react. The faces look very similar so it becomes difficult to distinguish whether it is short or long. Here Major trait measured is Learning, Attention to detail, and Motivation

Game 8 – Cards Game

This game is all on luck I feel so. You have to draw a card out of decks. For each card draw you will either earn money or lose money. At the start, they will show you took a loan and you have to clear this loan from this game. Your goal is to collect money as much as possible to clear a loan and get a profit. While drawing you may win or lose the game. The only way to earn as much profit is by observing the patterns to make the right choices while drawing cards. So pay attention to the pattern and act accordingly. You have to make a strategy from which deck to draw a card and avoid clicking from a random deck. Here major traits measured are Risk Tolerance, Learning, and Pattern Recognition.

Game – 9 Hard or Easy Task Game

In this game you will get two choice easy task which you will able to complete fast and hard task which is not that easy to complete fast it will take time. For easy tasks, you will get less money, and for hard tasks, you will get more money. You have to make the choice fast in 5 seconds otherwise they will randomly choose for you. Every round you will have a different probability of earning money. For example, you can put a lot of effort into a hard task to complete and end up with no money because the probability of getting money is low. You have to make a strategy where to put effort into easy or hard tasks within 5 seconds. I would suggest going for the easy task when the probability is low and the hard task when the probability is high to collect money. Here major trait measured is Effort, Strategic Decision Making, and Motivation.

Game 10 – Key Press Game

The key press game is simple. You just have to tap on the spacebar as many times as you can press within time. One minute is given for pressing a key. The key can be either “spacebar” or “enter” so before starting the game read instructions properly. For all games, you should read the instructions properly and then start the game. Be alert of the “GO!” message, pressing the key too early might send a signal that you are impulsive. Major traits measured are PProcessing Instructions, Motor Functioning, and Impulsivity.

Game 11 – Digits Memory Game

In this game, you will be asked to remember as many digits as you can memorize. In the start 4 digits will be shown then you have to enter that digits in text fields. Digits are shown in a flash of seconds so you have to keep your eye on screen only. After 4 digits are correct the number of digits will increase next time they will show 5 digits then 6, 7, 8, etc it will go on until you make a mistake. You will be given 3 chances to make mistakes once all are used then you lose the game and the score is recorded. Here major trait measured is Memory.

Game 12 – Face Game

This game is different from the rest game played yet. Here your cognitive abilities, but your emotional abilities are seen. You will be shown pictures of faces with different expressions. Some of the pictures are accompanied by a short text or a paragraph describing a situation. Your job is to determine what the person in the picture is feeling and accordingly, you have to choose the option given below. Different options will be given such as “Happiness”, “Anger”, “Sadness”, “Surprise”, “Fear”, “Disgust”, “Hope”, “Determination”, “Puzzlement”, etc. The major trait measured here is Emotional Intelligence.

That’s all are games asked in Pymetrics. Companies using plyometrics games are Cisco, Coca-Cola, PwC, Mastercard, Kraft Heinz, Rio Tinto, McDonald’s, JPMorgan Chase, Accenture, BCG, Bain & Co, AstraZeneca, UPS, Unilever, JLL, Blackstone, Diageo, Hyatt, Fidelity Investments, and including Colgate.

I trust that this guide will provide valuable assistance during your test. I personally undertook the test on August 12, 2023, and as of now, the results are pending. I look forward to the upcoming coding assessments and interviews that form the subsequent stages of the process.

Colgate Interview Experience for Internship

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