
Update function has been deprecated in newer versions of  MongoDB (3.xx and above). Earlier update function could be used for both single updates and multiple using “multi = true”. But in newer versions of mongoDB it is recommended to use update_many() and update_one(). 

The major difference is that the user needs to plan ahead if the query is going to be updating single or multiple documents.


     upsert: <boolean>,
     writeConcern: <document>,
     collation: <document>,
     arrayFilters: [ <filterdocument1>, ... ],
     hint:  <document|string>

Update Operators in MongoDB

Setting Values:

  • $set: Used to set a fields value.
  • $setOnInsert: Update value only if a new document insertion.
  • $unset: Remove the field and its value.

Numeric Operators:

  • $inc: Increases the value by a given amount.
  • $min/$max: returns minimum or maximum of value.
  • $mul: multiplies the values by a given amount.

Miscellaneous Operators:

  • $currentDate: Updates value of a field to current date.
  • $rename: Renames a field

Sample Database:

Some use cases we are going to see in this article where updating many records can be useful: 

  1. Changing or incrementing several elements based on a condition.
  2. Inserting a new field to multiple or all documents.

Example 1: All the students with marks greater than 35 has been passed.


from pymongo import MongoClient
# Creating an instance of MongoClient 
# on default localhost
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017')
# Accessing desired database and collection
db = client.gfg
collection = db["classroom"]
# Update passed field to be true for all
# students with marks greater than 35
    {"marks": { "$gt": "35" } },
            "$set": { "passed" : "True" }

Database After Query: 

Example 2: New field called address added to all documents


from pymongo import MongoClient
# Creating an instance of MongoClient 
# on default localhost
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017')
# Accessing desired database and collection
db = client.gfg
collection = db["classroom"]
# Address filed to be added to all documents
                "Address": "value"
   # don't insert if no document found

Database After query: 

Python MongoDB – Update_many Query

MongoDB is  a NoSQL database management system. Unlike MySQL the data in MongoDB is not stored as relations or tables. Data in mongoDB is stored as documents. Documents are Javascript/JSON like objects. More formally documents in MongoDB use BSON. PyMongo is a MongoDB API for python. It allows to read and write data from a MongoDB database using a python script. It needs both python and mongoDB to be installed on the system.

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Update function has been deprecated in newer versions of  MongoDB (3.xx and above). Earlier update function could be used for both single updates and multiple using “multi = true”. But in newer versions of mongoDB it is recommended to use update_many() and update_one()....