Upload Your Resume to LinkedIn (Mobile and Desktop)

The step-by-step process to adding your resume to LinkedIn is listed below – 

A. Create a LinkedIn account

As obvious as it may sound, we had to mention it. Anyway, in the next step, you get to see various ways in which you can upload your resume on Linkedin.

B. LinkedIn Profile Works as a Resume Itself

In the digital world, whatever you do online tells about your personality. And when it comes to LinkedIn, you need to be extra cautious of what you post, and how to talk to others and comment on others’ posts. This is because your every move is public and all your followers and connections can see what you are up to. Besides, your LinkedIn profile is the page where people land when they click on your name/photo thus making it work as a resume. This page allows you to add your experience, educational qualifications, important published works, etc, for the viewers to know more about you and your expertise.

Follow these simple steps to add your resume details to your LinkedIn profile:

  • Make your “About” section as catchy as possible. Add all the relevant ideas, skills, and interests in it to woo the readers. Give them something to hold onto, and add some emoticons to make it conversational.
  • Next, move on to the “Experience” section and fill in the details of the work you have done so far, and the companies you have worked with. Make sure you add a few sentences/bullet points describing what role you performed for every experience added. 
  • Further, fill out the “Education”, “Volunteering,” “Skills,” and “Honors and Awards” sections. Don’t hesitate to add a few sentences with each skill/work you add here. 
  • Lastly, add your published works if any under “Publications”. Here, you can even add links to your online work.

How to Add Your Resume to LinkedIn? [2023 Latest]

There is a saying that goes around, if you wish to climb the ladder of success, the sure shot way is to build a valuable network. LinkedIn is one of the best platforms for any professional. Having your resume posted on LinkedIn in some way or other boosts your chances of getting your dream opportunity. You can access the app on your mobile or desktop, it is convenient and has a friendly UI. 

Also, uploading a resume on LinkedIn increases your chances of getting hired as the recruiter can approach you easily with relevant job opportunities. Apart from this, you can share your resume among your connections directly through the app, and much more. But how do you add your resume to Linkedin? Here’s a quick guide to taking you through all the steps.


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