Usage of Active Voice

Active voice is used when the subject is the doer of the action, and the sentence is focused on the subject’s action.

Active vs Passive Voice | Difference Between Active and Passive Voice

Active and passive voices are a way of expressing the same sentence. The subject performs the verb’s action in the active voice, and the subject receives the verb’s action in the passive voice. Depending on the circumstances, both the active and passive voices have specific uses and can be utilized to express information better way.

Difference Between Active and Passive Voice

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Usage of Active Voice

Active voice is used when the subject is the doer of the action, and the sentence is focused on the subject’s action....

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In conclusion, the active and passive voices are two different ways of expressing the same sentence, each with its own specific uses. In general, the active voice is more straightforward and assertive, while the passive voice is more neutral and complex. It is essential to use the appropriate voice depending on the context and what information is being conveyed....

FAQs on Active and Passive Voice

Q1.  How do I identify the passive voice in a sentence?...