Usage of Musikcube

Example: Adding Media Files

Step 1: You can see that initially, the artist’s menu is empty, which means that there is no music added to the application. So now we will add music files to the application.


Step 2: To add the files, click on the ‘s’ key on your keyboard to open the setting menu, now click on browse and select the option local.


Step 3: You can see that we have 5 music files located in the Music directory, we will add this path to the application.


Step 4: Once again, press the ‘s’ key and browse the Music folder path. After selecting the Music folder, press the ‘spacebar’ key on the keyboard to add it to the music paths.


Step 5: Now, go to the artist’s menu by clicking the ‘a’ key on the keyboard. You can see that all the music files are been added to the artist’s menu. Now we can play the song just by clicking on the song.


Step 6: Below, we have played the sample-12s.mp3 song.



In the above guide, we went through 3 different methods to install the MusikCube application on Ubuntu operating system. As discussed, MusikCube is cross-platformed, it can also be installed and configured on other Operating Systems like Windows, macOS, etc. 

How to Install Musikcube in Ubuntu

Musikcube is an audio music player developed or written in C++. Musikcube application is completely terminal-based and cross-platformed. Musikcube can work on various Operating Systems like Windows, Linux,  macOS, and also on Raspberry Pi. A streaming audio server, WebSocket server, library, and an audio engine are also integrated within the Musikcube application. In this article, we will be going through various methods to install the Musikcube application on Ubuntu operating system.

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