Use Cases of Cloud Antivirus

  • An interface for all the activities: Cloud antivirus provides an interface for all of the activities running inside the user’s computer. That activity can be related to both security and performance as well. With the help of this interface, users can interact and maintain their activities.
  • Real-time provide monitoring: It provides real-time monitoring for all of our activity, whether it is web surfing, installing third-party software, or plugging in an external device. If any suspicious activity is found, then it alerts the user by giving an alert.
  • Remote service: Cloud security providers provide remote service, If any user has a problem while using cloud service, then remote service is available for any required help.
  • Easy and secure installation of third-party software: Cloud antivirus monitors all of the running activities, whenever any software is installed, it checks for malicious activity. If the software contains a virus or behaves unethically then it generates an alert to warn. Thus, it makes the installation of software easy and secure.

What is Cloud Antivirus?

Antivirus software is a program that is used to detect and remove viruses and other malicious files from computers, which can harm the computer system. Cloud antivirus is a popular software technology nowadays that reduces loads of antivirus from the client’s computer by porting it into a server based on cloud technology rather than installing it into the computer with the complete software. Regular antivirus programs are just dependent upon the resources of the client’s local computer while for using cloud antivirus solutions we just need to install a small software in our local computer which connects our machine to the cloud server of the security service provider by the mean of the internet. With the help of this small software, the data by cloud antivirus is scanned and the necessary information regarding threats or viruses is sent to the user.

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Use Cases of Cloud Antivirus

An interface for all the activities: Cloud antivirus provides an interface for all of the activities running inside the user’s computer. That activity can be related to both security and performance as well. With the help of this interface, users can interact and maintain their activities. Real-time provide monitoring: It provides real-time monitoring for all of our activity, whether it is web surfing, installing third-party software, or plugging in an external device. If any suspicious activity is found, then it alerts the user by giving an alert. Remote service: Cloud security providers provide remote service, If any user has a problem while using cloud service, then remote service is available for any required help. Easy and secure installation of third-party software: Cloud antivirus monitors all of the running activities, whenever any software is installed, it checks for malicious activity. If the software contains a virus or behaves unethically then it generates an alert to warn. Thus, it makes the installation of software easy and secure....

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How To Manage Cloud Antivirus?

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Troubleshooting Cloud Antivirus

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Virus Protection:  The main benefit of the antivirus is that provides security from malicious files, software, etc. Most hackers nowadays use different kind of viruses to hack user’s computer and then locks it, which can cause the loss of personal and important data. Malicious pop-ups: While surfing on the web, sometimes an unwanted window occurs on the display. These are known as ‘pop-ups’. Clicking on these pop-ups may cause downloading a malicious file or redirecting to a new webpage. Antivirus software also provides security through these pop-ups. Real-time Protection: Antivirus software continuously checks the system for malicious activity and provides real-time protection, If any file containing a virus is found then either it is permanently deleted or moved to a temporary folder for further checking. These actions depend upon the setting applied to the security software. Boot-scan command: Some viruses are programmed in such a way that they are able to make a copy of themselves. These type of viruses takes advantage of the Operating System of the machine. While the machine is running, they make copies of themselves. For such viruses, the antivirus program shuts down the entire Operating System for preventing the replication of viruses and after restarting the OS again it checks for all copies of viruses. Safety against external devices: Sometimes plug – in devices may contain te viruses at any moment. Therefore, antivirus checks the external devices when they are plugged into the machine, If any malicious file detects in the external device. The security software generates a warning....


Demands a continuous connection: Cloud antivirus works by the mean of the internet; Therefore, it is essential to connect to the internet continuously. Which may not be possible for a user every time. This is a major disadvantage of cloud security software. Privacy: The working of cloud antivirus is totally dependent upon the internet, where the transfer of information is required. However, this transfer of information may contain issues of privacy. Performance: Cloud antiviruses work by the mean of the internet and reduce the load on the client’s machine, yet they can be slow due to server or network issues. Automatic Settings: Settings in Traditional antiviruses can be set manually according to the requirements, but in cloud antivirus, We can’t maintain all the settings ourselves. They don’t give access to all of the settings....


In this article, we understand what Cloud antiviruses are, their working, use cases, how to choose a good cloud solution along with the advantages and disadvantages of them....