Use Cases of Rate Limiting

Below are the use cases of Rate Limiting:

  • API Rate Limiting: APIs often implement rate limiting to control the rate of requests from clients, ensuring fair access to resources and preventing abuse. For example, social media platforms limit the number of API requests per user per hour to prevent spamming and ensure system stability.
  • Web Server Rate Limiting: Web servers use rate limiting to protect against DoS attacks and prevent server overload. By limiting the rate of incoming requests, web servers can ensure availability and maintain performance during traffic spikes or malicious attacks.
  • Database Rate Limiting: Rate limiting is applied to database queries to prevent excessive load on the database server and maintain database performance. For example, an e-commerce website may limit the number of database queries per user to prevent resource exhaustion and ensure smooth operation.
  • Login Rate Limiting: Rate limiting is used in login systems to prevent brute-force attacks and password guessing. By limiting the number of login attempts per user or IP address, systems can protect against unauthorized access and enhance security.
  • Payment Processing Rate Limiting: Payment processing systems employ rate limiting to prevent fraudulent transactions and ensure compliance with payment regulations. By limiting the rate of payment requests or transactions, systems can detect and mitigate suspicious activities in real-time.

Rate Limiting in System Design

Rate limiting is an important concept in system design that involves controlling the rate of traffic or requests to a system. It plays a vital role in preventing overload, improving performance, and enhancing security. This article explores the importance of rate limiting in system design, the various rate-limiting strategies and algorithms, and how to implement rate limiting effectively to ensure the stability and reliability of a system.

Important Topics for Rate Limiting in System Design

  • What is Rate Limiting
  • What is a Rate Limiter?
  • Importance of Rate Limiting in System Design
  • Types of Rate Limiting
  • Use Cases of Rate Limiting
  • Rate Limiting Algorithms
  • Client-Side vs. Server-Side Rate Limiting
  • Rate Limiting in Different Layers of the System
  • Benefits of Rate Limiting
  • Challenges of Rate Limiting

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