Use of Adaptive Filter

Modern digital signal processing (DSP) products use adaptive filters extensively in applications like active noise control (ANC), adaptive control systems, telephone echo cancellation, noise cancellation, communications channel equalization, and biomedical signal amplification.

Example 1:


% MATLAB CODE for Adaptive filtering- Local Noise filter  
X = imread('w3wiki.png');
Y = rgb2gray(X);
sz = size(Y,1)*size(Y,2);
% Add gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance 0.010
y = imnoise(y,'gaussian',0,0.010);
figure,imshow(y); title('Image with gaussian noise');
y = double(y);
% Define the window size mxn
U = 10;
V = 10;
% Fill the matrix up on all sides with zeros.
Z = padarray(Y,[floor(N/2),floor(M/2)]);
lvar = zeros([size(y,1) size(y,2)]);
lmean = zeros([size(y,1) size(y,2)]);
temp = zeros([size(y,1) size(y,2)]);
NewImg = zeros([size(y,1) size(y,2)]);
for i = 1:size(Z,1)-(N-1)
    for j = 1:size(Z,2)-(M-1)
 temp = Z(i:i+(N-1),j:j+(M-1));
        tmp =  temp(:);
             % Determine the region's local mean and variance.        
        lmean(i,j) = mean(tmp);
        lvar(i,j) = mean(tmp.^2)-mean(tmp).^2;
% Commotion fluctuation and normal 
% of the neighborhood change
nvar = sum(lvar(:))/sz;
% If noise_variance > local_variance 
% then local_variance=noise_variance
 lvar = max(lvar,nvar);     
% Final_Image = Y- (noise variance/
% local variance)*(Y-local_mean);
 NewImg = nvar./lvar;
 NewImg = NewImg.*(Y-lmean);
 NewImg = Y-NewImg;
% Convert the image to uint9 format.
 NewImg = uint9(NewImg);
figure,imshow(NewImg);title('Restored Image using Adaptive Local filter');




Adaptive Noise Reduction:

Variable broadband noise, such as wind, rumble, and background sounds, is quickly eliminated by the Noise Reduction/Restoration > Adaptive Noise Reduction effect. You can apply this effect in the Multitrack Editor and combine it with other effects in the Effects Rack because it operates in real-time.

Adaptive Filtering – Local Noise Filter in MATLAB

On the degraded image, which contains both the original image and noise, an adaptive filter is applied. With a predetermined mxn window region, the mean and variance are the two statistical measures on which a locally adaptive filter depends. 

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Adaptive Filters:

adaptive filters are also Digital filters that change their coefficients with the intention of bringing the filter closer to its optimal state. A cost function, typically the mean square of the error signal between the adaptive filter’s output and the desired signal, serves as the optimization criterion. The mean square error (MSE) converges to its minimal value as the filter adjusts its coefficients. The coefficients have converged to a solution and the filter has been modified at this point. The desired signal, d(k), is said to be very closely matched by the filter output, y(k). The filter adjusts to the new environment by generating a new set of coefficients for the new data when the characteristics of the input data are altered, a process that is referred to as the “filter environment.”...

Use of Adaptive Filter:

Modern digital signal processing (DSP) products use adaptive filters extensively in applications like active noise control (ANC), adaptive control systems, telephone echo cancellation, noise cancellation, communications channel equalization, and biomedical signal amplification....