Use of various clauses inside GROUP_CONCAT() function

  • Distinct: It eliminates the repetition of values from the result.
  • Order By: It sorts the values of the group in a specific order and then concatenates them.
  • Separator: By default, the values of the group are separated by the (, ) operator. In order to change this separator value, a Separator clause is used followed by a string literal. It is given as Separator ‘str_value’.


Let, consider an “Employee” table:

emp_id fname lname dept_id strength
1 mukesh gupta 2 Leadership
3 neelam sharma 3 Hard-working
1 mukesh gupta 2 Responsible
2 devesh tyagi 2 Punctuality
3 neelam sharma 3 Self-motivated
1 mukesh gupta 2 Quick-learner
4 keshav singhal 3 Listening
2 devesh tyagi 2 Quick-learner
5 tanya jain 1 Hard-working
4 keshav singhal 3 Critical thinking
5 tanya jain 1 Goal-oriented


1. Using simple GROUP_CONCAT() function –

SELECT emp_id, fname, lname, dept_id, 
GROUP_CONCAT ( strength ) as "strengths"
FROM employee
GROUP BY fname;


emp_id fname lname dept_id strengths
1 mukesh gupta 2 Leadership, Responsible, Quick-learner
2 devesh tyagi 2 Punctuality, Quick-learner
3 neelam sharma 3 Hard-working, Self-motivated
4 keshav singhal 3 Listening, Critical thinking
5 tanya jain 1 Hard-working, Goal-oriented

2. Using a DISTINCT clause –


SELECT dept_id, 
GROUP_CONCAT ( DISTINCT strength) as "employees strengths"
FROM employee
GROUP BY dept_id;


dept_id employees strengths
1 Goal-oriented, Hard-working
2 Leadership, Punctuality, Quick-learner, Responsible
3 Critical thinking, Hard-working, Listening, Self-motivated

3. Use of ORDER BY clause –


SELECT dept_id, 
GROUP_CONCAT ( DISTINCT emp_id ORDER BY emp_id SEPARATOR ', ') as "employees ids"
FROM employee
GROUP BY dept_id;

Here, Separator ‘, ‘ will separate the values by a comma (, ) and a whitespace character.


dept_id employees ids
1 5
2 1, 2
3 3, 4

MySQL | Group_CONCAT() Function

The GROUP_CONCAT() function in MySQL is used to concatenate data from multiple rows into one field. This is an aggregate (GROUP BY) function that returns a String value if the group contains at least one non-NULL value. Otherwise, it returns NULL.


SELECT col1, col2, ..., colN
[ORDER BY clause] [SEPARATOR str_val] )
FROM table_name GROUP BY col_name2;


  • col1, col2, …colN: These are the column names of the table.
  • col_name1: Column of the table whose values are concatenated into a single field for each group.
  • table_name: Name of table.
  • col_name2: Column of the table according to which grouping is done.

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Use of various clauses inside GROUP_CONCAT() function

Distinct: It eliminates the repetition of values from the result. Order By: It sorts the values of the group in a specific order and then concatenates them. Separator: By default, the values of the group are separated by the (, ) operator. In order to change this separator value, a Separator clause is used followed by a string literal. It is given as Separator ‘str_value’....

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