Users of Accounting Information

1. Internal Users

  • Owners: The owners of an organization contribute their savings as capital in the business. Therefore, the owners are exposed to the risks involved with the business and, hence, want to ensure the safety of their capital.
  • Employees: The employees of an organization are interested in the accounting information to determine the ability of the firm to pay their bonuses and salary.
  • Management: The management of an organization has to make various decisions for its success, growth, and accomplishment of goals. For this, the management uses the accounting information to make certain essential decisions.

2. External Users

  • Investors: Investors are the people or groups of people who invest their money in organizations. These investors want to know about the earning capacity of the organization so they can decide the safety and risk level of investing in an organization.
  • Banks and Financial Institutions: The banks and financial institutions provide loans to different businesses. They use the accounting information to ensure the repayment of their loan.
  • Creditors: Creditors provide an organization with goods on credit. They take the help of accounting information to understand the credibility and financial soundness of the organization to pay their money.
  • Consumers: Consumers use the accounting information of an organization to establish good accounting control over the business that can reduce the production cost.
  • Government: The Government uses accounting information to determine and assess the tax liability of an organization.
  • Researchers: Researchers use the accounting information of an organization to complete their research work and provide actual facts and figures in their work.

Introduction to Accounting

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What is Accounting?

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) defines Accounting as the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing the transactions and events that are in monetary terms efficiently and effectively and interpreting the results....

Objectives of Accounting


Advantages of Accounting

Provide Information about Financial Performance: The process of Accounting provides accurate and factual information regarding the financial performance of an organization during a given financial year. The organizational information includes profit earned, loss incurred, financial position, and other essential facts required by the different users of accounting information. Provide Assistance to Management: The process of accounting helps the management of an organization in effective business planning and decision-making for the attainment of organisational objectives. The management can do so with the help of the financial information provided by the accounting process. Helps in Raising Loans: For the survival, success, and growth of an organization, it needs finance. For this purpose, an organization can easily raise loans from different Financial Institutions and Banks based on the information provided by the accounting process in the form of financial statements and reports. Facilitates Comparative Study: As an organization prepares and maintains systematic financial records, it can effectively perform a comparative study. An organization can compare its current year’s performance with the previous year’s performance or with the performance of the competitors....

Limitations of Accounting

Accounting Information may be Unrealistic: As the records of an organization are maintained on the basis of accounting principles, conventions, and concepts, there is a possibility that the information provided by the organization may be unrealistic. Possibility of Window Dressing of the Financial Position: Organizations may present wrong and over-the-top information about their financial position by manipulating the books of accounts to attract people, investors, and different users. In these cases, the financial statements do not provide a true picture of the organization. Does not Consider the Qualitative Elements: The Accounting process only considers the monetary values or transactions and ignores the qualitative aspects of an organization. Accounting Records are not Fully Correct: An organization records its transactions in the books of accounts based on the sources like purchase invoices, sales invoices, cash receipts, bills, etc. If there is a mistake in any of these sources, the books of accounts will not show accurate information regarding the organization....

What is Accounting Information?

It is defined as the information provided by an organization in its financial statements for different internal and external users. An organization prepares the accounting information with the help of the Book-keeping process. The process helps the different users in understanding the financial position and profitability of the organization and make financial decisions accordingly....

Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information


Users of Accounting Information
