How to use a loop statement to iterate over the callback. In Javascript

  • First, we create a callback function factor which generates a factorial of numbers.
  • Create a test function with argument n and a callback function.
  • Check the value of n if it is invalid terminate if not continue.
  • Create for loop with range n.
  • On each loop call the callback function which prints the factorial of each number.

Example: This example describes the above explained approach.

    // call back function that return factorial
    function factor(number) {
      let j = 1;
      // loop that generate factorial of number
      for (let i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
        j *= i;
      // printing value of factorial
      console.log(`factorial of ${number} is `);
    // function that iterate over callback function
    function test(n, callback) {
      if (n <= 0) {
        console.log("invalid number");
      let k = n;
      // iterating over callback function with for loop
      for (let i = k; i >= 1; i--) callback(i);
    // initialising test variable
    let t_umber = 5;
    // main function calling
    test(t_umber, factor);


factorial of 5 is 120
factorial of 4 is 24
factorial of 3 is 6
factorial of 2 is 2 
factorial of 1 is 1

How to iterate over a callback n times in JavaScript ?

Given a callback function, we have to iterate over a callback n times. The callback is a function that is passed as an argument. To iterate over the callback function, we have to run the callback function n time.

Here we have some common approaches:

Table of Content

  • Using recursion
  • Using a loop statement
  • Using Array.from() and Array.prototype.keys()

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