How to use Amazon Polly on the AWS CLI In AWS

How do I get help for AWS Polly CLI?

You can use the aws polly help command to get a list of available commands. For help with a specific command, use aws polly COMMAND help.

What are the different types of text-to-speech engines in Polly?

Polly supports standard, neural, and long-form text-to-speech engines. You can specify the engine using the –engine option. Standard engine is the most basic and standard one. Neural engine is newer as compared to standard and sounds more natural as compared to it. long-form is suitable for large amounts of text.

What is a pronunciation lexicon in Amazon Polly?

A pronunciation lexicon allows you to customize the pronunciation of words. It maps specific words or phrases to their desired pronunciation.

Can I use SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) with Polly?

Yes, you can use SSML to add markup to your text, such as specifying pauses, emphasis, or changing the speaking rate. Pass the SSML input to the synthesize-speech command using the –text-type ssml option.

Can I monitor the progress of a speech synthesis task?

Yes, you can use the get-speech-synthesis-task command with the task ID to retrieve details about the status and progress of a speech synthesis task.

Using Amazon Polly on the AWS CLI

Amazon Polly is a managed service provided by AWS that makes it easy to synthesize speech from text. In this article, we will learn how to use Polly through the AWS CLI. We will learn how to use all the commands available in Polly along with some examples.

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