How to use array_fill() and array_map() Functions In PHP

We can use the array_fill() function to create an array filled with a placeholder value and then use array_map() to replace each placeholder with the appropriate number.

Example: In this method, array_fill(0, $n, null) creates an array of length $n filled with null values. array_keys() retrieves the keys of this array (0 to $n-1), and array_map() is used to increment each key by 1, resulting in an array of numbers from 1 to $n.


// Create array of Given Range
function createArr($n) {
    return array_map(function($value) { return $value + 1; }, 
        array_keys(array_fill(0, $n, null)));
    return $arr;

// Driver code
$n = 10;
$arr = createArr($n);


    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 4
    [4] => 5
    [5] => 6
    [6] => 7
    [7] => 8
    [8] => 9
    [9] => 10

Create an array containing 1…N numbers in PHP

Given an element N, the task is to create an array containing numbers from 1 to N in PHP. There are multiple ways to generate a list of numbers for iteration, manipulation, or display.

Below are the approaches to create an array containing 1….N numbers in PHP:

Table of Content

  • Using range() Function
  • Using for Loop
  • Using array_fill() and array_map() Functions

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